Monday, August 31
Thursday, August 27
Sleep Talking
Probably every night since we have gotten married, I have woken up to Bryson talking. For the first little while, I would look around, confused, ask him, "Bryson, are you talking to me?" or "Bryson, who's there?" only to realize he is 100% talking in his sleep. EVERY SINGLE NIGHT haha.
I saw this video on YouTube and figured, at least he isn't getting up and running into walls in his sleep. At least...not YET. :-)
Sure Love Ya! :-)
I was SO happy and excited to recieve a few consecutive packages from my dad and Becky the other week. First, an awesome crockpot cookbook came (which we were SO excited about because we couldn't wait to come home from church, open our front door and smell DINNER almost ready!!) Next, the cutest sewing kit came! I'm pretty sure Becky was behind this because it was so cute and well put together - and it came at the perfect time becuase Bryson had just ripped a pair of his pants! It was full of scissors, thread, needles, safety pins - and came in the cutest little box! It was perfect! I need to have Nam teach me how to mend and hem and all that good stuff. I already used it to sew a tear in my dress sleeve...but it's a little makeshift haha. Oh well, I tried!! :-)
The NEXT package came...ANOTHER crockpot cookbook! So, guess what Bryson and I have been doing...?!? Cooking in the crockpot! It's amazing!! The next package to arrive came in a big box. My dad had kind of told me what to look out for in the mail, so when a big box smelling of cinnamon and spices came, I got so excited! My dad and Becky went out and bought us probably 30 spice bottles (which is amazing!!) and sent them in the mail. The even cooler thing is that it wasn't ONLY spices, it was also ingredients to help make some of he and Becky's favorite recipies from the cookbooks they sent us. Take a look at one shelf of our spice cabinet! :-) Thank you, thank you, thank you SO so So much Dad and Becky!! AND, it doesn't stop there...Kaitlyn just came out to visit on Tuesday and she arrived with a trunk full of groceries. Goldfish crackers, chips, rice-a-ronis, and everything to make our favorite dessert, Scotcheroos!!! I have an AMAZING family!!Since school started, I have felt like I am either at school or at I am always saying "Can we just go SOMEWHERE, ANYWHERE?" So, the other night, we went to Trafalga and played mini-golf. I totally DOMINATED least on the first 9 holes. The last 9 holes...well...that's a different story and, long story short, Bryson won. But only by 3 strokes...but lost the bet we made nonetheless. Dang it! Lesson learned. Here's the picture that Bryson said, "Don't put that picture on our blog!" I just couldn't resist!
And, for the first time in my life, I tye-dyed a t-shirt haha. The whole 2nd grade did it - my class was blue, if you couldn't tell. I told them, "you are all my little blueberries" becuase they all looked so cute and little in their small blue shirts. This is me, about to head off to school, wearing my ... amazing? tye-dye shirt! Bryson can't help but laugh every morning when I put on my backpack and head off to work. He says I look like a little kid headed off to kindergarten. If only...those were the good old days!! ;-)
Well, that's all! I wanted to say THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU to many people. Dad (even though I haven't talked to you in forever, just knowing that you would listen and understand if I did need to talk helps me stay sane!), Kaitlyn for being an amazing, supportive sister, Nam for the long talk and comforting words (and for the prayers :-)), Bryson for being incredibly understanding and helpful (he is an incredible husband!), Granny for calling me today (even though we didn't get to talk, it was so nice to know that you were thinking of me), Tickie for talking to me and listening to me vent my frustrations and worries haha, Jayson for his sweet, sweet songs that he writes, and many, many, many, many more people! I feel so incredibly lucky to have been blessed with the most amazing family! I love you all and truly don't know what I would do without each one of you! I can't WAIT until Nam and Nampa come to Utah for conference (it always is SO great to see them!) and I will be sad to say good bye to Kaitlyn when she leaves for Hawaii. Today, Bryson was talking about when he graduates we will hopefully move to Colorado. Do you understand how wonderful that would be? I would love nothing more than to live in Colorado near my family and near Bryson's family! I LOVE FAMILY!!!
Everyone have an amazing Friday and remember I (and Bryson too) love you!!! And as the Webster's say....."Suuuuuuuurrrrrrre LOVE YA!!" ;-)
Thursday, August 13
I love my husband

Monday, August 10
3 Months Down...Forever To Go

Saturday, August 8
Happy Brithday Bryson!
Monday, August 3
Our little apartment - because everyone keeps asking. :-)
Bryson and I made our very first furniture purchase together haha - we bought a kitchen table and a coffee table - both almost new - for a very good deal! We were so excited!