Tuesday, March 30

Baby Chicks

So if you don't know...I am seriously a sucker for anything "baby." Any animal that is a baby...I will almost come to tears because I think they are so cute! One of my students today brought in his little baby chicks to show the class. In my class, they write in their journals everyday and if they want to bring something to "Show-in-tell" they have to write an entire page about it and then they can show it to the class. So, this student literally wrote 3 or 4 pages about his new baby chicks and then asked, "Can my mom bring in my chicks to show." I couldn't resist, and I said, Yess! So today...they came to visit our class! They were precious! I think I loved them more than my class haha.


Now, I want a baby chick. Or puppy, or kitten, or baby pig...orrrrrrrrr just anything small.

On a side note...3 more days until Spring Break! :) Where has the time gone!?!? Also, it was 72 degrees today...that's practially shorts weather. BUT supposedly we are supposed to get snow and cold again soon. That's March in Utah for ya! :)

Anyway...life is wonderful!!

Sunday, March 7

It's The Final Countdown!

Here's my life in countdowns lately...

4 days until Vegas!
11 days until the next 3-day weekend!!
28 days until Spring Break!!!
50 days until Graduation!!!!
80 days until Summer!!!!!

NOT TOO SHABBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Life is great!

Friday, March 5

A Little Piece of Heaven...Here On Earth!

Tonight, Bryson and I were on our way to Jamba Juice (because for some reason I was craving Carribbean Passion, which I haven't had in probably 6 years). We passed a place called "The Cocoa Bean." They sell cupcakes! We ended up splurging and getting 6 cupcakes, which is NOT a cheap, but worth it! Our favorites were chocolate raspberry cheesecake and better than anything. I stole some pictures from their website just to make your mouths water! :)

PS...No, we did NOT finish all of them. In fact, we didn't even finish 2 of them. :) They are huge, rich and VERY filling. WE will be having cupcakes for dessert for a while! :)

Thursday, March 4

Kids these days

Today at school, one of my little students came up to me and proudly announced, "I got a Facebook last night! My VERY own page!" I couldn't hold back my shocked reaction as I furrowed my eyebrows, leaned in a little closer and sincerely, but gently asked, "Why?" "Because my whole family has one, so now I have one too," she replied with her head turned slightly to one side, as if to imply, "Duhhhh, you're the teacher, you should know that." :)

Somehow it made me feel so OLD, like I was suddenly the "older generation," who have always to me, seemed determined that Facebook and all things internet are evil and a huge waste of time. I remember when I first got a Facebook account, I was a senior in high school and was about to graduate and head off to BYU. Facebook then was for college students only, you had to have an official college email to even apply for an account. Now, anyone and their mother's brother's dog can have one. I think it's great - a wonderful way to keep in touch with ALL of my family and friends. BUT...do 7 and 8 year old kids REALLY need Facebook and cell phones? What happened to playing outside, riding bikes, making forts, playing Barbies and pretend? Really, I just hope they don't miss out on the fun of being a kid and grow up too fast!

But one thing's for sure.........no matter what, they sure are CUTE! :)

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