Saturday, April 30

Half Way!

I am 20 weeks, which is HALF WAY! I have an ultrasound appointment on Wednesday and can't WAIT! We get to check to make sure our baby girl is healthy, growing normally and I will be excited to confirm once again that she is actually a she. 

Here's me at 20 weeks. 
This will be my one and ONLY bare belly picture!
I feel like my belly just popped overnight! I went to school on Monday and everyone was saying, "Hey! You look so cute and pregnant now!" :) And my students have all started touching my belly haha. I wore a loose, blousy shirt one day and one of my kids asked, "Did you have your baby last night?" haha. Sweet little 2nd graders...don't quite understand yet. :)

I can feel our little girl kicking a lot now! I will be reading to my kids at school, driving to work, or laying in bed and feel a little kick and it surprises me every time! I love it!

A couple people (meaning literally 2 haha) have noticed that I am pregnant and have come up to me and asked, "When are you due?" or "Are you having a baby?" I love that! I know that this is only the beginning - this is where I start growing, and growing, and growing! :)

With love,


Sunday, April 24

A Summer of Babies

This weekend, my mother in law organized a "baby shower" luncheon with the Webster/Bryson girls to celebrate the 3 babies that will all be born this summer! It was so fun to see Bryson's cousin and aunt who are about to have their babies! They look so cute with their pregnant bellies - it makes me excited for mine to actually grow! :)

We met up at the Asian Star in Salt Lake and ordered tons of delicious food, talked and opened presents. I felt overwhelmed by how nice and generous people were! I am so grateful to have married into such a wonderful family!

With love,


Friday, April 22

Happy Graduation Bryson

Today was Bryson's graduation day! It was a PERFECT day for graduation! The sun was shining, the sky was blue and all the flowers and blossoms were in full bloom! We had so much family join us and we felt so grateful that everyone came! :) Thank you Mom and Dad Webster, Maddie, Blake, Grandma and Grandpa Bryson and Grandpa Dick and Linda! We love you! Thank you to all our family who couldn't make it, but supported Bryson from afar! :) We love you and missed you! 
The graduate with a BS in Business Management
Wonderful parents :)
Grandpa and Grandma Bryson, Bryson, Linda and Grandpa Dick
Webster family :)
Mom and Bryson
I caught Bryson on the jumbo-tron! :)
Cute graduate :)

Con"graduation" Bryson! I am SO proud of you! You are a wonderful husband and will be an amazing father to our little girl. :) Now on to the next phase of our life...

Definitely wouldn't want to do it with ANYONE else but you! :)

With love,


Sunday, April 17

So much good news!

We have been SO incredibly blessed over the last few months! 

Bryson officially signed his offer to work for Adobe in San Francisco! He will be the Partner Manager for the Flash Platform. We will be moving there the first week of June and enjoying the beautiful sunshine and we will NOT miss the Utah winters! :)  I am so proud of and excited for my hubby! :)  Next find an apartment. :)
Here we come! San Francisco!
Cute seals hanging out in the bay! :)
Also, our ultrasound showed that we are having a GIRL! I was (and kind of still am) in a total state of shock - considering I 100% thought it was a boy! We had a boy name picked out, I was ready to go buy little baby vans shoes and buy lots of blue! The lady doing our ultrasound showed us a VERY clear picture that shows us it is definitely a GIRL! I said, "Are you sure?" about 500 times and I am still expecting at our next ultrasound to find out it's a boy because I know sometimes they change. BUT for now, I am LOVING the idea of having a little baby girl join our family in September! I went out and bought our first pink "girly" thing to celebrate! There are SO many cute girl things out there! :) We have another ultrasound in 2 weeks! I can't wait - I LOVE seeing our little baby! :)

Our baby girl's first pink thing :) haha It has ears on the hood and everything. Cute!

With love,


Wednesday, April 13

We had an accident...

Bryson was playing basketball tonight and really hurt his ankle. We aren't sure if it's broken or just sprained, but it is swollen and very sore. We pumped him full of Ibuprofen, put a lot of ice on his ankle and then wrapped it up. He downed about 4 Capri Suns and he is now laying on the couch, ankle propped up playing Xbox. Poor Bryson. We will be keeping an eye on him over the next little while to see what our next step should be.
His swollen ankle.

Poor Bryson :(

Big old lump on the side

Lots of ice

Ibuprofen and Capri Sun

Tuesday, April 12

Our baby is the size of...

Our baby is now the size of an onion! Not too shabby!

We got our first ultrasound and it was AMAZING to see the little spine, legs, head and cute little features.

Here is our baby's spine

And our baby's little leg. He/she was kicking his/her legs like crazy! :)

Also, we know the gender!! But we aren't going to tell...YET! 

We want you to guess first. And then we will tell. :)

Baby girl or Baby boy??

Sunday, April 10

due in sept.

Today, Kaitlyn walked into my apartment and tip-toed into my room. I was asleep - taking a Sunday nap. :) She whispered, "Hi Ash, I'll go start dinner" and I muttered "uh huh" and rolled over and pulled  the covers over my head. I heard the door click as she walked out.

A few minutes later, I rolled back over, slowly opened my eyes and saw a little box and a little card sitting right in my line of sight on the bed. I smiled, knowing it was a gift. A gift from my sister. :)

This is what was in that box. A necklace engraved with "due in sept," and accompanied by a little blue gem stone and a tiny silver pair of baby feet. A blue sapphire gem stone - September's birthstone. Our baby's birthstone. :)

I have a feeling that I will be wearing this necklace every chance I get for the next 5 months. I am in love. Kaitlyn...thank you so, so, SO much!! I have the best family in the world!! How lucky is our future   son/daughter? :)

With love,


I love my camera :)

Kaitlyn and I went out today and took a few pictures. It was a very quick session because it was c-c-c-cold outside as the sun was going down. How gorgeous is my sister? :)

With love,


Saturday, April 9

17 weeks

This is me at 17 weeks. I feel like some days my belly really pops, but most days it still looks like practically nothing. I guess today was a "poppy" day. :) 

We are going to hopefully find out if our little nugget is a boy or girl next week! We are both thinking BOY, but we will see!! What do you think?? 

With love,


Tuesday, April 5

Well loved already

Our little one on the way is already so loved. He/she will be the first grandchild on both sides of the family and will definitely be SO loved and very spoiled. It is amazing how much a little baby can be so loved even before you know him/her. I received a package in the mail on Saturday and opened it to find one of the most beautiful, most meaningful gifts I have ever gotten. I held it in my hands, touched it to my face and cried my little eyes out.  :) As Bryson and I watched conference, I couldn't help but think that during the next conference, our little babe will be laying on this little blanket. Precious. 

Love the cute suns and moons. Every stitch was stitched with so much love. :)

Yellow stripes on the back

Cute little board books from Granny

The sweet card meant more to me than you'll ever know. :)

Thank you, thank you, thank you Granny! :) LOVE you so much!

On a side note - My heart aches for those who have lost their babies recently. I have had 2 co-workers (former and present) who have, in the last month, lost their babies tragically. I am amazed by their strength. I have been reminded how precious and fragile our lives are - and how especially fragile a developing baby's life is. It reminds me to never complain, regardless of how annoying nausea or exhaustion can be, and to never, ever take for granted the precious life I have been blessed to have growing inside me.

With love,


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