Monday, December 8

Some Comparisons

I love looking at old pictures and seeing how things have changed. So here are some comparison pictures:

This is 3 years worth of Christmas card pictures: 2012, 2013, 2014. I was 20 weeks pregnant with Gavin in the first one and 20 weeks pregnant with #3 in the 3rd one. It's fun to see our family growing (so quickly!).

Here are the kids sitting on Santa's lap this year....
And last year. Sigh, they are grown so much.

 And here is my 22-ish week pregnant belly with Ava, Gavin and now #3. I think I was the biggest with Ava, smallest with Gavin and this time I am somewhere in between. Just interesting to see the difference. 

And that's all I've got for now. :)

Friday, December 5

21 weeks

I feel like I was so good at documenting my pregnancies with ava and gavin, but this time I have been horrible. Probably because I'm chasing around those two all day. But I just wanted to take a minute to document for the sake of remembering this pregnancy. 

This pregnancy has been pretty different than the last two (especially with gavin - his was suuuuuper easy, I would have forgotten I was pregnant with him almost the entire time, I felt so great). This time it has really taken a toll on me - I am always so exhausted and still throwing up daily and healthy food still is so unapplealing. I have gained about 9 lbs already, whereas last time by 20 weeks I had gained 0 lbs. Interestingly I weighed 10 lbs less when I got pregnant this time than last time, so I weigh almost the exact same numbers-wise at 20 weeks this time as last time (just a random fact to help me remember). I remember feeling small with Gavin, just a cute little belly. This time I feel huuuuge haha. BUT on the GREAT side, I feel this little boy moving all the time. ALL the time. He kicks and wiggles all day long and it's nice to have those little reassuring kicks. Even Ava has felt him kick from the outside. We have a name we are pretty sure of, but not set in stone. I've even ordered a couple personalized things (oops) so it's pretty certain, but you never know haha. 

We had our diagnostic ultrasound at 19 weeks and it was such a fun ultrasound. The lady spent about an hour and half explaining every tiny inch of his little body to us - it was very informative and amazing. We saw him opening and closing his mouth and swallowing and wiggling constantly, of course. Once again it was instantly clear that he is in fact a HE. I'm so glad my kids have never been "shy" in that regard - it has always been very easy to determine their genders. At the end, she printed out literally 25 pictures for us to take home. It was fun to go show Ava and Gavin the pictures of their little brother. :) 

Here are some pictures of the ever-growing belly: 

15 weeks:

17 weeks: 
After the 20 week ultrasound: 
21 weeks: (trying to get a good shot of how big I feel haha) 
21 weeks with Gavin vs this time:
21 weeks again: (haha I feel like it's hard to get a good shot - especially because these are all self-timer shots haha Bryson hates taking my pictures) :) 

And here's the survey I used last time with Gavin: 

How far along? 21 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Up 8-10 pounds, depending on the time of day haha
Maternity clothes? Still a bit too big for me, but my pants are getting a bit tight when I sit down. I ordered some new maternity jeans and a dress from ASOS. :) Should arrive today, so excited! 
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Fine - my back hurts though. 
Best moment this week: He is constantly moving, and being able to feel him kick from the outside is always fun.
Have you told family and friends: Everyone
Movement: TONS, all the time.
Heartburn? Yes, horrible!!
Food cravings: Eh, nothing really...random things throughout the day. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: I still throw up usually once a day, in the morning. 
Have you started to show yet: Yes, definitely. I feel huuuggge this time.
Gender prediction: It's a BOY!! :)
Labor Signs No, but I have been feeling Braxton Hicks since about 17 weeks. 
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Depends on the time of day (nothing abnormal haha)
Weekly Wisdom: ?
Milestones: Our baby is as long as a carrot, and his skin now responds to touch. If you put pressure on your belly, he'll move away or push back.

Baby's Length: 10.51 in.

Baby's Weight: 12.70 oz.

Baby Name Ideas:  That's a secret :) 


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