Thursday, June 30

29 weeks

Since people have been asking...

If you look at the video from last time, you can DEFINITELY see that it has GROWN! Holy cow, how can it get bigger still? 11 weeks is a LONG time and a LOT of growing! 

Of course I always forget to take pictures until it is 11:00 at night and I look like death. we say in 2nd grade . . . "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit" haha. Love it!

It is CRAZY to think that I am in my third trimester! 11 weeks until baby is due!  I have only bought one pair of maternity pants - all my "pre-pregnancy" pants still fit with a rubber band. I LOVE wearing leggings the most! SO comfy! My belly button is looking funnier and funnier each day - hasn't popped though haha. Baby girl kicks me all day, which I love because it puts my mind at ease to know that she is definitely still in there. :) Bryson was finally able to see my belly move the other day. Up until then, I would say, "Watch this!" and he would look for a few seconds and then get bored waiting haha. Bryson also LOVES the nursery haha - especially the glider. He will just hang out in there because it's comfy. He says almost daily, "I just can't wait until she gets here!" He's going to be a great daddy! :)

We can't WAIT to meet her.

With love,


"Sew" Not Crafty...but Trying :)

So, my dad bought me a sewing machine and sent it to me as a SURPRISE!! I am SO excited to make cute little things for my baby and home. Since Kaitlyn is coming today, I am waiting to start sewing projects until she is gone (so I can fill my endless free time with something productive) but I wanted to start with something very, VERY small to ease myself into it. I went to the store and bought scrap fabric and made little fabric rosettes. When I was done with them, I didn't know what to do with them, so I put them on these plain onesies that I have a billon of. It's nothing special, but it got me thinking of all the potential things I can make. :) These are SO easy to make and would be great on little metal clips for headbands, too. :)

My favorite thing about shopping for a baby girl is that there are little ruffles on everything. I would love to add little ruffles to the bum of the onesie...but we'll see if I can pull that off haha. 

The end. :)

With love,


Monday, June 27

Nursery furniture! :)

I am so excited about our beautiful nursery furniture! I have been organizing and I have started decorating a tiny bit now that the room is furnished. I hung curtains and put the bedding on the crib and it's just starting to look so cute. I haven't hung anything on the walls yet, and I will take pictures when it is finished (which will probably take a while haha).  Here is a tiny sneak peak of what we have so far. :)
My grandma made this beautiful bedding. :)

Our glider that we got for an amazing deal :) And Nam's beautiful quilt. 

I added a little curtain/ruffle skirt to the changing table to hide clutter. I need to get another white basket for the top shelf. But, nice changing table for $20, eh? :)

Still have a LOT to do...but good thing it is FUN to decorate a baby's room. :)
With love,


Saturday, June 25

Funnies from 2nd Grade

I was going through my phone and found this little gem. :) Oh how I miss those little kiddos. :)

My student teacher taught my class about Cause and Effect. After the lesson, their assignment was to write what was the "Cause" and what was the "Effect" of something that happened to them. So, for example..."I was riding my bike too fast" (cause), "so I fell and hurt my knee" (effect). Get it?

So after they were all turned in, I read through them to see if they understood the concept. When I came to this one I just laughed. Sweet, little innocent 2nd graders. LOVE them! :)
Cause: "One time I was riding my skateboard and I was grinding a pole"
Effect: "and my skateboard broke and I hert my weiners." 

With love,


I heart finding good deals :)

This week I have been OBSESSED with finding things for the baby's room. I made lists of all the furniture and gear that we will need and then I scoured Craigslist for everything! I contacted so many people, researched brand names, model numbers, reviews, recalled items, and everything else to make sure I was getting my bang for my buck. WELL, as of right now, I have officially saved over $900...YES, $900...buying things off Craigslist rather than buying them new from a store. Everything I have purchased is new within the last 2 years, in VERY good/clean shape, has come from very nice homes and has been about 80% cheaper than if I had bought brand new. The stuff that I have bought is actually NICER and of better quality than I would have bought if I had bought stuff brand new. Then nice thing about the area we live in is that there are a lot of nice homes near by with "wealthier" families, so they have a lot of very nice, well taken care of stuff to sell to the poor ( haha :) It took a lot of work because I am picky - I won't just buy something because it is a "good deal." It has to be exactly what I am looking for and in tip top shape or I won't even think twice.

For example...I bought a beautiful crib that still sells at BabiesRUs for $280 that came with a mattress that still sells for $150. It is 2 years old, looks BRAND new and I bought it for $80. That alone saved us $350! I was sooo happy!

I also bought a changing table, jumparoo/entertainer thing that she won't use for a while but it was a great deal, stroller, glider, very nice baby swing and a sleeper/cradle. Pretty much, we are set. :) I feel blessed that we have also been given a bouncer seat and a LOT of beautiful baby girl clothes from Bryson's aunt. :) The only thing we still don't have is a high chair, but we won't need one of those for a while. :)

I have been driving all over tarnation (haha honestly sometimes I was SO lost - maybe I should buy a GPS haha), to pick up these things and it has ALL been worth it!! Of course there are things I will buy new, but some things I just think are great to buy from other people who don't need them anymore.

I am SO excited to set up the baby's room. I have my little pink sheet and beautiful quilt and bedding that Nam made in the crib and now with all the money I saved, I can buy little decorations for the her room! :) Now that the nursery is furnished, I can get to work decorating and organizing. Hmmm...I think "nesting" is starting to creep up on me a little.

Anyway, enough for now.

With love,


Thursday, June 23

Baby Names

Naming a baby is so fun...but also SO hard. As a girl, you think about baby names probably your whole life, but when it comes down to's a big decision! First, you have to find names that you and the hubby both AGREE on, which can be tricky all in itself. Bryson and I have found a list of 3-4 names that we both like and we go back and forth constantly between them. Right now, our top 2 names both start with the letter "R." We shall see what actually ends up being her sweet little name. :)

With love,


Pizza Night!

For Father's Day, we made homemade pizza and LOVED it! Delicious!

Happy Father's Day! :)
With love,


Thursday, June 16

27 weeks

So, this is a video of my ever-growing belly. The background music makes this video SO awkward (I was watching "The Voice" and it was playing in the background haha), but oh well. I look back on older videos I took of my belly, back when I seriously thought I looked pregnant, but I didn' all. :) Now, it is safe to say that I DO look pregnant. :) Also, when I re-watched the video, it was playing in fast motion, so if it looks funny, I don't know how to fix that. :) But you get the idea. 

Just over 3 months to go! 94 days to be exact. :) Can't wait to see her little face!

With love,


My "baby" brother

Monday, June 13

First Day

Today was Bryson's first day of work! He was SO excited! He got up early to catch the BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) and was off to the city. 

I followed him on his way out the door, snapping pictures the whole way! :)

So proud of my honey! Suuuurrre love ya! :)

With love,


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