Thursday, June 30

29 weeks

Since people have been asking...

If you look at the video from last time, you can DEFINITELY see that it has GROWN! Holy cow, how can it get bigger still? 11 weeks is a LONG time and a LOT of growing! 

Of course I always forget to take pictures until it is 11:00 at night and I look like death. we say in 2nd grade . . . "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit" haha. Love it!

It is CRAZY to think that I am in my third trimester! 11 weeks until baby is due!  I have only bought one pair of maternity pants - all my "pre-pregnancy" pants still fit with a rubber band. I LOVE wearing leggings the most! SO comfy! My belly button is looking funnier and funnier each day - hasn't popped though haha. Baby girl kicks me all day, which I love because it puts my mind at ease to know that she is definitely still in there. :) Bryson was finally able to see my belly move the other day. Up until then, I would say, "Watch this!" and he would look for a few seconds and then get bored waiting haha. Bryson also LOVES the nursery haha - especially the glider. He will just hang out in there because it's comfy. He says almost daily, "I just can't wait until she gets here!" He's going to be a great daddy! :)

We can't WAIT to meet her.

With love,



Stephanie Gubler said...

You are SO cute Ashley!!! :)

Adri and Russ Lee said...

I feel exactly the same way about the kicking. Baby kicks me every day and it makes me feel SO much better about everything. It's incredible how in some pictures you look like you have a big belly and in others it's like you shrunk! I guess it's all in what you wear.

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