Thursday, March 6

Happy Birthday Gavin! {1 year old!}

Dear sweet Gavin,

Today you turned ONE year old. I truly cannot believe how fast this year has gone. It has flown by in the blink of an eye. You have gone from my tiny, mellow baby to my constantly-on-the-go, joyful little man. I want to shout from the rooftops how adorable I think you are and just how much I really, truly, deeply do LOVE you.
Things about you:
  • Everywhere we go, you attract a LOT of attention. You are what I like to call a flirt. You bat those dark lashes, and those bright blue eyes light up as you smile and wave at everyone who passes by. I'm not exaggerating when I say that every time we go somewhere people stop me to tell me how adorable you are, how much you look like the "Gerber Baby," and how perfect they think you are. 
  • You are now walking like a pro! No more crawling for you. You also have become quite a little climber.
  • You love to chase your sister around and you also love to be chased in return. You two are always together, following each other around all day long. I love to watch your little developing relationship with Ava. 
  • Words you can sign: grandpa, milk, up, more and sometimes "all done." You can wave hi and bye bye, can make the sign for "popcorn popping," play patty-cake (clap, roll-it and throw it in the pan) and do the "round and round" for the wheels on the bus. 
  • You make a lot of sounds, but you don't say any words yet. 
  • You LOVE to eat. And eat. And eat. 
  • Your typical daily schedule: Wake up at 7:30. Nap and 9/9:30-10:30. Nap again at 1-2:30/3. Bed at 7:30. On MOST nights you will wake up ONCE during the night (in the very early morning between 5 and 6am) to eat and then go back to sleep until 7:30ish. 
  • You LOVE to dance and you love music. I love listening to you try to sing along.
  • You have 5 (and a half) teeth. Two on the bottom and 3 (and a half - one is still coming in) on the top. I am starting to see the next ones on the bottom below the gum line. 
  • You weigh around 22-23lbs on our scale at home. You have a doctor's appointment at the end of March, so we will see then how much you really weigh and how tall you are now. 
  • Your Daddy gave you your first haircut this month! You look as handsome as ever. 
  • When I asked your dad what I should write about in regards to you, he just said, "He's a sweet little boy." And really, this is a perfect way to describe you. You are simply, sweet. You are snuggly, give sweet hugs and kisses, smile constantly, and really just brighten up any room. As you toddle around the house, you have a permanent grin on your face of contentment. As independent as you are, you always check back with me every few minutes, give me a hug, burry your little face in my arm or lap and make sure I know that you love me. 
  • On the flip side of that, you also have a feisty streak and when you know what you want, you make it known loud and clear. :) You have your needy moments when you just want me to hold you, and expect me to drop whatever it is I am doing and do just that - hold you. And so...I do. :)

I really feel like I could go on and on about all the special things that make you, you. I adore you and can't even believe you are mine. I know I say this all the time, but I feel so lucky that somehow I get to be your mom. I am so sad to say goodbye to your baby-ness, but so thrilled to watch you grow and discover and explore and become the little person you will someday be. I hope you will always know that I love you. I will ALWAYS love you, love you, love you. 

And deep down, you will always be my baby boy. 

I love you forever, 
Happy Birthday love,

Behind the scenes video of our little "cake smash."
Gavin Cake Smash BTS from Ashley Webster on Vimeo.

Gavin on his actual birthday:

For breakfast Gavin got blue pancakes. We took him to Habitot, a little children's museum in Berkeley and he had the best time playing with water, dressing up as an astronaut, and climbing all over everything.

When Bryson got home, we had cake and Gavin blew out his candle (or actually Ava happily blew out the candle for him). I am SO happy Kaitlyn got a cute little video of all of us singing to Gavin - so cute!
(Bryson requested Nothing Bundt Cake - yum yum!)

1 comment:

Adri and Russ Lee said...

Such cool and great pictures, as usual. What did you use as the backdrop - butcher paper? Fabric? I loved the videos. Great that he went straight for the frosting on his cake - he knows where the good things in life are. I also liked seeing Ava and Gavin interact in the videos. This summer he was so little that he was mostly observing or being held, so it's fun to see their brother and sister relationship emerging!

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