Friday, February 28

February 2014

February with these two was so much fun! Now that Gavin is walking so well, it's fun to take him places that he can walk around with us and explore together. It also has created new challenges as I find myself trying to keep up with both kids who often are running in opposite directions. 

I love watching their brother-sister relationship grow. Gavin loves to follow Ava round everywhere she goes, but he is also VERY wimpy when it comes to her even slightly touching him or taking away one of his toys. He is definitely not a pushover in that regard haha. He loves to snatch things out of Ava's hands and then run away quickly and them scream and throw himself on the floor in anger when she takes it back. Ava is sweet for the most part, but she definitely likes to big Gavin and push him down or sit on his face when she knows I'm not looking. If I didn't just describe a big sister-little brother relationship, I don't know what is! Ha. I love these two so much! 

This month I hing up a collage wall in Ava's room. 

Ava is still as cheesy as ever - if not more. And I love it! :)

Sky high: Gavin got to jump at munchkin Mondays at sky high. He LOVED it!

We went to the Bay Area Children's Museum in Sausilito. This is right next to the Golden Gate Bridge - the kids had so much fun! We would go all the time if it weren't so far away.

Ava got sick this month. Actually, Ava AND Gavin got sick and it was a horrible, messy, stinky week in the Webster household. (Many tears were me! Ha!) And the true test to know if Ava isn't feeling well is if she will sit still for any length of time. She seriously spent so much time laying on the couch, and that's how I knew she really was sick (because usually she can't sit still to save her life!) Poor kiddos!

We went to the Oakland Zoo with a group of friends. Ava loved petting the goats and brushing them with the little plastic combs. She thought it was hilarious when one of the goats pooed right in front of her - she laughed SO hard! Of course Ava spent most of the time running away from me and getting into all kinda of mischief, so she ended up sitting in the stroller for "time out" more times than I care to admit. That girl. But we had tons of fun and are getting a zoo membership so we can go all the time! :)

Lands end trail: one Saturday we went into the city and hiked a bit of lands end trail. We've done this before from the other end of the trail, but this time we started at the cliff house side. Always a beautiful view and as always, my kids loved being outside! 

Ava ran away from me in Costco and scared me half to death. I was in the BACK of the building (which is huge!) and I found her as someone was stopping her from running OUT the front doors! I was soooo scared and just upset and bawled the second I found her. Needless to say, Ava is officially a strict "cart rider" and her "walking beside mommy" privileges have been suspended. Ugh. 

Other random cute pics:

Ava gave Gavin his first "tramp stamp" - luckily with washable marker. 
Cutest little DIAPER FREE bum!
Little artist lately. This is how Ava draws people. One head, two eyes, two eyebrows, one belly button and two feet." The important parts, ya know?
Lots and lots of hours at the park, as usual. 
Ava have auntie kait a thumbs up for getting a great new job in Richmond! 

And on the last day of February, auntie kait came to visit! Here's Ava waiting at the BART station to pick her up!

And that's February in a nutshell. I wrote this on my iPhone so hopefully it's not too horrible and disorganized. It's good enough! :)

Now onto a happy March! :)

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