Thursday, February 6

Gavin {11 months}

Dear Gavin,

You turned 11 months on February 6, 2014. 

You are now walking! You are still much faster and efficient at crawling, but you get better at walking every day. You can stand yourself up in the middle of a room and then you will slowly, carefully walk all on your own. When you notice I am watching you, you BEAM with pride. 

Right at 10 months, you started sleeping through the night finally! I put you down for bed at 7:30pm and you sometimes wake up once around 3 or 4 to eat, but usually you sleep straight through to 6 or 6:30, when I bring you into bed with me, feed you and you go back to sleep until around 7:30am. When I put you to bed, I can put you down wide awake and you sing yourself to sleep. You take two naps, one at 9:30 for about an hour, and one around 1 or 1:30 for about two hours. 

Still nursing 3-4 times a day. Wearing size 3 diapers, size 9-12 month clothes for the most part, some 12-18 month. Eating pretty much any table food we put in front of you. 

You wave, give kisses, and smile at everyone everywhere we go. You love to try to keep up with the "big kids," and you LOVE your big sister. 

This is your last month as my "baby," - next month you will be a one-year old. You are growing into a toddler, into a little person, into a little man before my very eyes. And although time is passing me by quicker than I would like, I am loving every minute of you. 

I love you,

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