Thursday, December 29

3 months

Ava is 3 months old today!
She's a quarter of a year old!

At 3 months, Ava is a very sweet baby with a very happy disposition.

She has a lot of hair on the top of her head and at the very bottom of her head in the back, but she is balding in a strip right in the middle of her head. 
We say she looks like she has a toupee and a mullet.

She has found her hands and LOVES to suck on her fingers. 
She doesn’t suck on her thumb.

She is still swaddled every night.

Up until a week ago, she slept 9 hours, woke up and ate for 5 minutes and slept for another 3 hours. 
BUT...for the last week or so, she has only been sleeping for 6 hours, waking up to eat and going back to sleep for 3 more hours at a time until she has slept about 11 or 12 hours total. I know that still is pretty good for a 3 month old, but it has been throwing me off a little bit. :)

She has learned how to roll over from her stomach to her back. 
She doesn't do it ALL the time, but has done it several times. 

She likes tummy time more now and doesn't just cry the entire time anymore. 

She loves to coo and babble to herself and to her family. 

She smiles ALL the time. Even when she's tired and upset, she will still smile at you. 

She is wearing 3-6 month or 6 month clothes and size 2 diapers. 

She loves her "Good Morning" song and smiles SO big every single time someone sings it to her. 

She loves bath time.

She is more sturdy and loves to "stand up."

She has been to four states now: California, Nevada, Colorado and Utah.

She LOVES her Daddy and smiles SO big whenever she sees him.

Here she is at one month and two months...

...and now at three months!

Every day gets better and better. I can't imagine my life without sweet Ava.
We love you Ava!
Happy 3 month birthday! :)

Tuesday, December 27

And now everyone believes me!

Tonight while Ava was doing tummy time, she rolled from her tummy to her back several times in a row! 
AND even better - she did it in front of everyone...finally! :) 
I have seen her roll before - but those rolls were few and far between! 
The only other person who had seen her roll over before tonight was my sister, Kaitlyn. 

Well tonight, Bryson, Brad, Blake AND Momma Webster ALL witnessed it 
AND I got a couple of the rolls on video. 

OHH I love my sweet, sweet baby Ava. :)

Just had to document this monumental achievement haha. :)

Monday, December 19

Best Birthday Present Ever!

I had the BEST birthday this year!

It was filled with family, gifts, good food...
all the things that make a birthday great! :)

Bryson made sure I got to sleep in and he entertained Ava in the morning while I kept sleeping.
He took me out to breakfast to my favorite breakfast place.
We went Christmas shopping together. 
We went to dinner with both families. 
Bryson even wrapped some presents and labeled them "To Mommy, From Ava." :)
What a wonderful hubby I have!

Kaitlyn and Jayson decorated the house with streamers and banners.
I got phone calls singing me "Happy Birthday To You" from the people I love.

It was a GREAT day!
Thank you to everyone who made it so wonderful!

BUT, the thing that made it the BEST birthday was sharing it with my sweet, smiley baby Ava. 
Gosh, I LOVE her! 

She was all smiles before her bath.
We are so lucky to have such a happy baby. :)

I feel perfectly content turning the big 2-5.
The last 25 years have been wonderful and I am looking forward to the next 25.
I feel like I have done a lot, seen a lot, and accomplished a lot in these 25 years.
I am SO happy and feel SO blessed to be where I am at this point in my life!
I have an incredible husband, a beautiful daughter, a loving family and we live in a wonderful place.
Life is great!
I am blessed. :)

Ava's Blessing

We blessed Ava on December 18th in the Chapel Hills Ward at the Lexington Building.
She looked SO cute in her blessing dress and bonnet that her Great-Grandma Schooff (Nam) made.
It is actually the same pattern as her Auntie Kait's blessing dress. :)

Ava with Grandma Schooff, ready to go to the church.

Ava and her Daddy. :)

Ava is loved by so many people!

Great-Grandma and Grandpa Schooff (Nam and Nampa). Nam made Ava's dress! :)

We were so lucky that so much family could attend her blessing!
Grandpa and Grandpa Schooff, Auntie Kait, Uncle Jayson, Grandma and Grandpa Webster, Aunt Maddie, Uncle Blake, Great-Grandpa and Grandma Schooff (Nam and Nampa), and the Dulgarian family all came to the blessing. We missed Uncle Brad, who was still up at BYU-Idaho. :)

Bryson, Uncle Scott, Grandpa Webster, Grandpa Schooff and Great-Grandpa Schooff stood in the circle while Uncle Jayson held the microphone. :) Bryson blessed our sweet Ava Sophia - it was a beautiful blessing! Ava was so good the whole time. Apparently her pacifier fell out right away, so she just kind of babbled to herself during the whole blessing. :)

After the blessing, we all went to the Webster's for lunch. Ava met and played with Davis for the first time (they are about 4 months apart). It was so cute to see how much Ava will change in the next 4 months!
Ava and Davis. He was so curious. 
Ava playing with Uncle Blake. 
Ava loves her Grandma Webster.  

Thank you everyone for coming!

Thursday, December 15

Pictures of Jayson

Have you met my brother, Jayson?
Uncle Jay, as we like to call him now. :)

If you haven't, you should.
My brother is amazing!

He is smart, funny, talented, helpful, kind, happy...and not to mention, he's just so cute!

While we were in Utah for Kaitlyn's graduation, we stopped by the Shops at the Riverwoods and took a couple pictures of Jayson.

How cute is he?
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Love you Jay!

Monday, December 12

A baby and her daddy

My baby LOVES her daddy. 
I mean, she REALLY loves her daddy. 

He is the ONLY one that can get her to laugh. 
Such a Daddy's girl.

I love that she has started laughing. 
Little spurts of laugher. No belly laughs yet.
But they are coming, I can feel it!

Tuesday, December 6

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

Today, Ava rolled from her tummy to her back!
And she did it 3 times!

I kept rolling her back on her tummy to get her to do it again.
And again.
And again.

By the fourth time, she was mad. 
And rightfully so.

This was the fourth time when she was not happy with me anymore. 
And of course, just as she was about to roll, my camera ran out of memory!

But you can still see the process and her getting ready to roll. 
This will have to do for now. 

The Stats Are In...

Ava went to the doctor today for her 2 month checkup. 
She is 10 weeks old in 2 days. 

Here are her stats:
Weight: 13 pounds 4 ounces (92nd percentile)
Height: 25 inches or 2 feet, 1 inch (99th percentile)
Head circumference: 15 inches (75th percentile)

So, she is still ridiculously tall haha. I wonder how tall she will be as an adult. 
13 pounds, 4 ounces
Baby Ava on the table
Ava was sooo cute on the doctor's table, cooing and smiling up a storm. 
She had no idea what was in store for her at the end of the appointment. 
She had to get 3 shots in her little legs and she was not happy. 
She cried like I have never heard her cry before. 
I cried too as I watched the tears streaming down her little cheeks. 
I never thought I would be that mom:
the mom who cries when her baby gets shots. 
Turns out, I AM that mom. 
It's just so sad to see your sweet baby crying so hard. 
Poor baby girl. 

We left the doctor's office with 3 new bandaids.
Ava fell asleep on the car ride home an as soon as we got home, she ate and just wanted me to hold her. 
And now she's asleep again. 
I LOVE my girl.
I feel like, once again, I love her even more after today.

And I will leave you with a cute video. :)

Sunday, December 4

Holiday Bucket List

I saw this idea on a friend's blog and thought it would be fun to make a "Holiday Bucket List."

So, here are the things I want to do this holiday season:

  1. Act out the Christmas story and have Ava be Baby Jesus :)
  2. Go to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Electric Safari
  3. Take family Christmas pictures
  4. Make a gingerbread house
  5. Take Ava on her first airplane ride
  6. Go Christmas caroling 
  7. See the lights on Temple Square
  8. Play Dance Central a lot (haha)
  9. Go Christmas shopping and wrap my presents so they look cute
  10. Make Christmas treats and deliver them 
  11. Bless baby Ava
  12. Take Ava to see Santa in the mall
That's all I can think of right now...

Saturday, December 3

Just playing

I have horrible lighting in my apartment.
The fact that we have one window in the front room probably doesn't help. :)

So, when I put Ava on a blanket to play today, I noticed that the light was hitting her face perfectly for some quick photos.
She only stays still for so long.

I love my beautiful girl!
And I love that she is too little to know that her mom might just take too many pictures of her. :)
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Friday, December 2

Speaking her language

Ava speaks her own little baby language. 
She says, "ooh, ahhh, waaa."

We have found that if we talk to her in "her" little language and make those same sounds, she gets SO excited and will talk to you forever and ever.

Here is an example:

Tuesday, November 29

Stylish Girl

Now that Ava is getting bigger, I feel like clothes are looking cuter and cuter on her. 
I LOVE to dress her up in clothes that look like "teenager clothes."
Check out this cute little jacket with her "jeggings," gold flats and cute cheetah headband. 
She's my little living baby doll.  

And also, look at her sweet eyelashes. 
I'm hoping they keep growing and they get nice and long like her Aunt Maddie's. :)

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