Monday, August 23

Words of Wisdom

Someone I admire a lot is my mentor teacher from when I was a 2nd grade cohort. I learned more from her than she will ever know and I am constantly re-reading my many, many notes I took during the 4 weeks I spent in her classroom. She posted something so cute on her Facebook status the other day and I keep thinking about it. She put into words my thoughts exactly.
About this time I start switching from summer me to back to school Miss K. I love
setting up my room, gathering new ideas, and having alone time in my classroom. And then THEY come--and they come with food allergies, and with parents who need to inform me of how exceptionally bright their child is, and with fears, new shoes, learning disabilities, sometimes syrup breath, and once with leukemia.

And I wonder--am I really going to end up loving this group? And for the 11th time the answer will be "yes."

As I have been getting ready for my new class to come on the first day of school tomorrow...I have been really missing my old class from last year. I have wondered "Will I love these kids as much as I did last year?" All I have of the new class is a list of names, a list of names that really means nothing. I don't yet know their strengths, their "quirks," the funny and sweet things about each of them. Will I love them? I know I will. For the 2nd time, my answer will be "yes."

Tuesday, August 10

Happy Birthday to my LOVE!!

It was Bryson's birthday on the 7th...but I was in Virginia still, so I told him to ask for Monday the 9th off of work and that when I got back to Colorado Springs that we would do ANYTHING he wanted to do for his birthday. When I got home, we did a lot of super fun things for his birthday, but mostly celebrated the wonderful man that my husband truly is. I thought all day of how lucky I am to have him in my life.

Here are 23 things that I LOVE about Bryson, since he is turning 23:
  1. He loves me.
  2. He has a little soft spot for animals, especially baby animals haha.
  3. He sends me picture messages throughout the day of the most random things...usually whatever food he is eating for lunch. :)
  4. He is happy 99.9% of the time.
  5. When he does get frustrated or stressed out...2 minutes later, he's completely happy again.
  6. He is romantic and thoughtful.
  7. He snores from the moment he falls asleep at night to the second he wakes up in the morning. :)
  8. He is a great driver and always drives for me. :)
  9. When he is interested in something, it's all he can think about (for example, skiing, biking, etc)
  10. He is good at all sports, but understands and is patient with the fact that I am NOT. :)
  11. He sends me texts while he's at work or when I'm at work saying "I just love you," "You're beautiful," and other sweet nothings haha. :)
  12. He makes me laugh more than anyone in the world.
  13. He loves kidletts and can't wait to be a dad someday. He will even pass me notes in church with baby names...but don't tell him I told you that. :)
  14. He loves to try new restaurants with me, but will always give in and go to my current favorite if that's what I am craving...even if we have been there 4 times in the last week. :)
  15. He is complimentary and positive, speaks highly of others and sees the best in people.
  16. He loves his family very much and is proud of his siblings. :)
  17. He is a very hard worker.
  18. He loves to stay up late and then sleep in with me on the weekends.
  19. He loved teaching primary and even got teary eyed a few times when the kids would sing. He did funny magic tricks for them all the time and the kids loved him!
  20. He will put hot sauce or salsa on anything and everything.
  21. He makes the bed and cleans up the apartment when I am on my way home because he knows it will make me happy. :)
  22. He is a wonderful priesthood leader in our home.
  23. He is my eternal companion and I love him more and more everyday.
I love you hubby bub, honey bunch, baby bee. I love you oh so much. Here's to a wonderful, fun, eventful, crazy year we have ahead of us!! This will be an amazing year and I am so glad we get to do it all together.

Wednesday, August 4

Just in case you didn't already know...

I love my husband a lot. And he loves me a lot, too. And I think that's pretty neat. :) Sure love ya baby bee! Sure love ya, sure miss ya, sure can't wait to kiss ya!


With Love,

Virginia Is For Brothers (and ME)

Jayson and I drove out to Virginia this last weekend. We drove 25 hours straight through the night...which I would not recommend. We saw some very interesting things along the way, one in particular Naked Hitch Hikers, and we got a little (probably a more than just a litte) delirious towards the end and started singing and dancing as crazy as possible just to keep ourselves awake BUT we arrived safe and sound Monday afternoon in Mechanicsville at sweet Auntie's house. We've been having a great time with Granny and Poppy and Auntie and Uncle Kent. :) We went to Chincoteague yesterday and went to the beach and ate delicious seafood. I can't wait to go to Busch and relive the memories of last summer and ride me some rides. I just wish my honey bunch was here too! I'm so grateful for Granny and Poppy for letting us stay at their house! AND I'm SO VERY grateful that we aren't driving back home...we're flying! But let's not think about going home just yet...we still have plenty of vacation time left! :)

With Love,

Sunday, August 1


Happy Birthday to my little sister! :)

Can you guess how old she is turning?? 20!! Sure love ya!!

With Love,

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