Sunday, March 31

Ava {18 months}!

Ava turned 18 months old on March 29th.
I can't believe I officially have a 1 and 1/2 year old!
To celebrate, we took Ava to ride the steam train at Tilden Park.
She loved it!





Here are some things I want to remember from this age:

Words she knows as of today (RED ones are new words this month):
walk, eyes, hot, yeah, play (pay), swing (wee), cup, buckle up (buka uh), bubble gum (bubba guh), apple juice, happy birthday (appie day), cupcake, goodnight (nye nye), oh cute (ohhh toote), moon, bow, ouch, cookie, all done, water, happy, moo, baa, thank you, truck, duck/quack (same thing right now) car, balloon (boon), cake, please (meese), flower (wow-wah), belly (buh-bee), clicker, cup, oh no, ball, bubble, up, apple, cool, Elmo, baby, no, grandpa (says poppy), grandma (says mama), ow/owie, milk (mee), paci (she actually calls it mammy), cracker, shoes, dada, mama, hi, bye, more, uh oh, wow, cheese, book

These are the words she can sign: 
nap, milk, drink, mama, daddy, up, ball, banana, cracker, fish, bath, tree, ball, potty, more, grandpa, cat, baby, all done, eat, cookie, juice, one, bird

New/Funny things she does:

  • Likes to tuck her babies in at night (bear, dog and baby doll). She puts the blanket over them, kisses them and says "Nye nye."
  • Before dinner, without us asking or prompting her she will fold her arms so we can say a prayer. She doesn't keep her arms folded for very long during the prayer, but once we say "Amen," she folds them back up again. :)
  • If she is asking for something and then we repeat it back to make sure that's what she wants, she says "Yeah!" 
  • Says "Ohhh toote" (oh cute) when she thinks something is "cute" (after she gets dressed and looks in the mirror, when she puts a bracelete on, etc). 
  • Is starting to understand the concept of the alphabet. When she sees letters, she excitedly says "A B Doo!" (her way of saying ABC). She starts singing the alphabet song the same way "A,B,Doo" and she LOVES to read her ABC books. She also knows that A says "ah" and B says "buh."
  • She knows where her eyes, ears, nose, teeth, hair, cheeks, hands, fingers, fingernails, belly, toes, and bum are. 
  • When she wants some juice, she will walk to the refrigerator, open the door, choose whichever juice she wants and bring it to me. Once I am done pouring it in her sippy cup, she will return the juice to the fridge exactly where she got it and close the door. (And of course once she gets her juice she happily says, "Tay too!"
  • She now takes one nap around 1pm for 3-4 hours. 
  • She wears size 24months or 2T and size 6 shoes.
  • She also knows which drawer in the kitchen her toddler forks and spoons are. If she is eating lunch and I didn't give a fork or spoon, she will walk to the kitchen, open the drawer, reach up for and grab a fork (she can't see in the drawer, it's too high), close the drawer and then come back to her table to eat.
  • If you ask "Ava, how old are you?", she will hold up one finger.
  • She loves to mimic sounds - whistling, the vacuum, the garbage truck, etc.
  • She is really good at navigating the iPad and my iPhone. She can unlock it, swipe to the page where the "Ava" folder is, and open whichever app she wants. She even uses the Home button to navigate between apps. Crazy!
  • She LOVES to play outside and will run to grab her shoes, my shoes, her jacket and then beg to play outside on the "wee" (swing). I am so grateful we moved to a house with a big backyard because I can just open the back door and she plays and plays and plays. 

Love my little girl so much!
Best 18 months of my life so far! :)

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