Thursday, June 6

Gavin {3 months}

Dear Gavin,

Today you turned 3 months old. I feel like I blinked and you suddenly you were no longer a "newborn." You are such a happy, smiley, friendly little guy - you bring nothing but absolute joy into our lives. You flash the sweetest baby smile every time someone smiles at you - which means you have many adoring fans everywhere we go. I have been asked more than once, "Where do I get one of those?" I'm lucky that you are mine, mine, mine. :)

This month, you found your new favorite "snack"- your hands. I love to watch you working so hard to get those chubby little hands all the way up into your mouth. Your hands have proved to be a great source of entertainment. Your hands are almost as good as your pacifier.

You took your very first airplane ride this month. You were absolutely perfect and slept almost the entire time. I had many people comment on how well-behaved you were. We flew to Colorado to celebrate Aunt Maddie's high school graduation. It was the perfect excuse to visit all of our family in Colorado and to let everyone meet you, finally! Now you have met Grandma and Grandpa Webster, Grandma and Grandpa Schooff, Auntie Kait, Auntie Maddie, and Uncle Blake.

Just a few night ago, you drank your very first bottle. This means that I can leave you with Daddy if I need to and I don't have to worry that you will get hungry. Of course, I can't imagine being away from you for very long - I know I would miss my little man.

That same night, your Daddy made you laugh for the very first time. Hearing your sweet, squeaky laugh was the most beautiful sound your emotional mom could ever hear, it brought tears to my eyes. Of course, you will only laugh for your dad for now - but I know some day you will think I am funny too. :) You are also very ticklish - you squirm and grunt and almost laugh anytime we tickle your belly or under your arms.

Some other random things about you:

  • You are wearing size 2 diapers and 3-6 or 6 month clothes. 
  • You usually eat every 3 hours.
  • You take 3-4 naps a day (usually 3). Your morning and early evening naps are about an hour, but your afternoon nap is typically around 3 hours (which always lines up perfectly with Ava's).
  • You love taking baths. 
  • You have blue eyes and brown hair. You have one dimple on your right cheek.

And here you are at one, two and now three months.


Well, my sweet little man, I love you so much. I LOVE being your momma. I always say that if all babies were as good as you, I would have 100 kids (okay not really, but you know what I mean).

Love always,
Momma :)

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