Tuesday, July 9

Gavin {4 months}

Dear Gavin,

You turned 4 months on July 6, 2013. It's hard for me to believe you are one-third of a year old! I can't imagine my life without you in it - you truly bring great, heart-bursting amounts of joy into my life! You are the smiliest baby, smiling at anyone and everyone who even glances your way.

This month you started laughing - a sound every mother waits and waits for. You laugh when we tickle you or when we make a funny face at you. Of course, your Daddy can make you laugh the most. Ava can also make you laugh - she can also make you smile so bright. You light up as soon as you see her - I can tell you two will be great friends (something that would make me SOoooooo happy!).

Recently, we decided to stop swaddling you when you go to sleep. I was nervous, mostly because Ava loved being swaddled so much. But when you were swaddled, you would wake up grunting in the middle of the night, seemingly uncomfortable. First I just took your arms out, but still swaddled the rest of your body...just for a couple nights. Then, I just stopped swaddling you altogether. You haven't missed that swaddle one bit - you still sleep exactly the same, you just look cuter doing it. You love to sleep on your side. So far on your side, you are almost on your tummy, but not quite. You still don't sleep through the night - only occasionally will I get a good 5 hour stretch out of you. Usually, you are up every 3 or so hours. We will get you sleeping longer eventually (hopefully). :)


Other new things about you:
  • Grabbing toys
  • Chewing on your hands
  • Everything goes into your mouth
  • You do "baby sit ups"
  • Love to "stand" up
  • Took your first road trip to Utah to visit the Webster side of the family
  • Went swimming for the first time in the Johnson's pool
  • Celebrated your first 4th of July
Two days after you turned 4 months, you rolled from your back to your tummy - something you had been practicing over and over for a long time.


You are suddenly very talkative. You love to squeal and squawk in joy.

Here you are at 1, 2, 3 and now 4 months. 



Gavin, sometimes I just lay next to you and stare at you as you sleep. These are the fleeting moments I wish I could freeze in time to keep you this size forever. I try to memorize each one of your perfect features - knowing how soon they will all change. I surprise myself sometimes with just how much I really do love you - my absolutely perfect, beautiful, sweet, handsome son. My son. I am so lucky to be your momma.

Momma :)

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