Wednesday, September 10

Gavin {18 months}

I haven't had any time to take cute pictures of Gavin for his 18 month post, so I'll just put up photos from my iPhone and some videos, too. I seriously love this little boy so much. I have loved having some one-on-one time with him while Ava is at preschool...he is my little buddy boy. I call him my "belly boy" because he is ALL belly - his belly is huge and when he walks, he walks "belly first." He is friendly and flirty to everyone he meets and has started loving to show off his skills and just beams with pride when he gets a reaction out of people. He has just suddenly started talking a lot more and he learns a new word or two every day. 

These are the words Gavin says regularly: mine, Mickey, more, passy, eyes, milk, belly, baby, momma, popcorn, pop, Papa, apple, duck, uh oh, hi, up, ball, puppy, bubble, water, daddy, auntie, choo choo, fishie, bye, one, Ava (ah-yah), cookie, pee pee, juice, outside (side), please, cheese (for pictures), banana, yuckie

These next two videos were taken last month, it's so cute to see how much he has improved and learned since then. I'll have to take an updated video and add it. 

Animal sounds: Moos, rawr, quack, woof woof

Knows these body parts and will point to them when asked: Nose, eyes, ears, head, lips, toes, belly, bum (shakes his bum), eyebrows, tongue (sticks out his tongue)

If you say "I love you," he will blow kisses to you.

If you ask, "How old are you?" he will put up one finger and say, "One!"
If you ask, "How big is Gavin?" he holds his arms over his head and we say, "So big!"

In the car he LOVE to sing along to songs. He gets so into it and opens his mouth wide and just lets out one steady sound, "uhhhhh uhhh." 

He is shockingly good at some games on the ipad that are about matching letters and numbers and sorting/stacking by color and size and shape. I honestly never taught him, but he just knows how to do it. It's pretty amazing, actually

Loves nursery and going to the YMCA childwatch. The girls at the YMCA love him and as soon as he walks in, they all get excited and say, "Gavin!"

Songs he loves: Wheels on Bus, Itsy Bitsy, Popcorn Popping, Bubble Gum, ABC song (he sings along and it is sooo cute!)

LOVES Ava, follows her around all day and does exactly what she does. At the same time, he gets so annoyed with her and definitely holds his own when she tries to take something that he is playing with. He SCREAMS until she gives it back. 

LOVES being outside. 

Wears size 3 diapers (moving to size 4 when this box is gone), size 18-24 month clothes, size 5 shoes. 

He is such a great eater - he will eat any and everything I put in front of him. He especially loves milk, rice, fruit, tomatoes, carrots (the big ones more than the baby carrots). 

He got his first haircut and he just sat perfectly still the whole time. And at the doctor's office, he did the same thing. Just sat there while the doctor checked his ears and mouth and little body. Such a good boy! She said he was her easiest patient in a long time haha. 

I love this little boy so much. I just stare at him all day long, his beautiful little face.  

Love you my sweet, sweet boy. 
Love you forever and ever and ever. 

Mama :)

Tuesday, September 2

First day of preschool for Ava


Today was Ava's first day of preschool. We are actually just doing a "joy school" of sorts - a co op preschool with 3 other girls in my ward, so 4 kids total. We made up a curriculum and switch off every 2 weeks (and with 6 weeks off in between teaching). Ava will go to school Mondays and Wednesdays from 9-11:30.


Ava has been so excited to start preschool, telling any and everyone about her new "kitty cat backpack," and her pink lunchbox and her Elsa and Ana mat to sit on. She told me very specifically she wanted a PB&J, pretzels, grapes and a cookie in her lunch. 

photo 1
photo 2 copy

When I dropped her off this morning, she bawled as I was leaving. I was shocked because she has never cried when I have left her anywhere before. I felt so bad for my friend, who was teaching today. But I left and told her to call me if Ava continued to cry much longer. When I went to pick her up, she was nothing but smiles and I was told she only cried for about a minute and half and was "very, very obedient" the whole time (something we've been working on! haha). She recounted all the fun things they did. "We had a wessin (lesson), we werned (learned) the ABCs, we colored a picture, we sang songs and we had wunch (lunch)." She grabbed my hand as we were leaving and said, "Wet's (Let's) go mom, wet's go see our Gavin boy." 

In the meantime, I get some much needed one-on-one time with Gavin, who doesn't mind one bit receiving my undivided attention for a couple hours.  

photo 2

I love these sweet kiddos and can't believe how fast they are growing up. 

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