Total weight gain/loss: Up 28 pounds as of this morning, and definitely feeling every single pound...ughhh. I actually lost 6 lbs a few weeks ago when I was sick and haven't gained any weight since.
Maternity clothes? Yes and no. My normal jeans still fit below my belly and I don't wear maternity shirts - but I love my maternity dresses!
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: I feel like I have figured out the "pillow" situation and how to prop myself up enough to sleep decently.
Best moment this week: Scheduling an induction date - Thursday morning, April 9th. :) I will be 39 weeks 1 day.
Have you told family and friends: Everyone
Movement: TONS, all the time.
Heartburn? Yes, horrible! I'm popping Zantac like it's candy. :)
Heartburn? Yes, horrible! I'm popping Zantac like it's candy. :)
Food cravings: Coconut Chobani Yogurt Flips - loove them!
Anything making you queasy or sick: I have actually felt better the last few weeks! I was FOR REAL sick a few weeks ago and since then haven't thrown up hardly at all (maybe just a few times here or there). I still feel very nauseous if I drink a lot of water after I eat or if I eat too early in the morning.
Have you started to show yet: No need to answer this question haha.
Gender prediction: It's a BOY!! :)
Labor Signs: Doctor says I am at a 3, lots of contractions on Saturday, tons and tons of Braxton Hicks that are more painful than before, and some other signs that I feel aren't necessary to write on my blog haha.
Belly Button in or out? In, but completely flat. ALMOST out.
Baby Name Ideas: We have two names, and will decide when we meet him. We are keeping it a surprise though. :) I think it's more fun that way.
Baby Name Ideas: We have two names, and will decide when we meet him. We are keeping it a surprise though. :) I think it's more fun that way.
Wedding rings on or off? On, no swelling at all
Happy or Moody most of the time: Depends on the time of day (nothing abnormal haha)