Monday, February 16

We're ENGAGED officially!!

We're Getting Married!!

So, all weekend, I honestly and truly thought Bryson was going to "pop the question" at any moment. Friday night, Saturday night, Sunday....after the weekend passed with no proposal (and even a few "tricks" Bryson just couldn't resist pulling just to throw me off), I told myself I was NOT going to even think about it anymore...just let it happen, IF it was ever even going to happen haha. SO, Monday comes around and I was not thinking that it was going to happen that day AT ALL. All morning and afternoon, I was feeling so sick - we went to lunch and poor Bryson (listen to how amazing and wonderful he is...) literally ran two blocks from the restaurant, without me asking or even hinting, to the nearest Walgreens to buy me some medicine. He came back all out of breath - sweeeeeet thing!! I will admit, I was NOT the most fun to be around, but he, as always, kept smiling and being his usual chipper self.

Anyway, he told me that his aunt who lives in Salt Lake invited us to Family Home Evening and dessert with their family that night. He said, "You want to go? Get some free food." Now, if you don't already know, poor, starving college students will jump at any chance for free food of ANY kind - and Bryson and I definently fall into that category. I also LOVE, love, love all of his family - so with those two factors, he knew I couldn't resist, even if I wasn't feeling well.

So, around 7pm, we headed up to Salt Lake City. I had to go to the bathroom (sorry for that little detail), so we pulled over at a Starbucks and as I was getting back into the car, Bryson handed me a ski sock - an itchy, black, wooly ski sock - and said "put this on, it's your blindfold." I, obviously like an idiot (because later even HE told me that he thought I would put two and two together at this point), thought it was some game we were playing for FHE with his family. So, for the next 10 minutes, I sit in the passenger seat with a sock tied around my face wondering where the heck we were going. Eventually we stop and Bryson gets out, opens my door, grabs my hand and says, "follow me." He guides me into a building, up an elevator, and then outside the building again...I am positive I looked hilarious shuffling around as I clutched onto him for dear life, afraid I would trip haha. When he finally said, "Okay, you can take it off now..." I opened my eyes to see Bryson down on one knee, smile from ear to ear, holding out the sweet little box with the gorgeous ring. He said, "Ashley, will you marry me?" We were standing on the roof of the Conference Center in Salt Lake City, overlooking the city and the temple. I was 100% surprised, so surprised that I just pulled him up and hugged him. Finally I said, "oh yeah, am I supposed to answer?" He looked at me and said, "uhh yeah!" I quickly said, "Well YES!"

We DID go to his aunt's house, but not for FHE, but to say hi and thanks for her help (she was able to get us onto the roof of the Conference Center because it is closed in the winter - she has the hook ups :-). After visiting for a while, we went to Iceberg to get ice cream and fries, which I have been craving all week haha.
I just want everyone to know that I am marrying the most wonderful man in the world! He is my best, best, best friend and has loved me through the good times, the bad times, through the thick and the thin! I am BEYOND lucky! I am SO in love with the man of my dreams and I can't wait to be married for time and all eternity!!!

This is Bryson's hand and the ring...

This is my hand and the ring...

May 9, 2009
at the Denver, Colorado Temple
Be there! :-)


Anonymous said...

Congrats Ashley! That's so cute!
Love ya!

Stephanie Schooff

Anonymous said...

Congrats Ashley! That's so cute!
Love ya!

Stephanie Schooff

KayJay said...

Your ring is BEAUTIFUL!!!! I love it and love you and my almost-to-be-nephew-in-law :) It is so fun and such a wonderful thing for the family to grow and that it creates more and more people to love :) I love you both. Love you blog spot too. Have a great trip home this weekend. AUNTIE

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