Saturday, May 1

THE perfect date through the eyes of a husband

Bryson said tonight, "This was THE perfect date." So what, you might ask, does Bryson consider to be the "perfect date"?

Well, it starts with a trip to In-N-Out. One #1 Double Double Animal Style and one #2 Animal Style're back in the car and heading up to Salt Lake.

Next stop is the Real Salt Lake game. Of course, you can't forget to enter every single raffle possible, JUST in case. :) Also, the free stuff along the way (coupons for a free small fry from Burger King, plastic cones to shout into, and little packets of sample juices) are a necessity as well. You always feel like you are REALLY getting a good deal when you sneak down into the lower section and sit in two vacant seats that were WAY out of our price range. BUT, when it starts to rain, you smile and high five each other as you run back up to the seats (in the nose-bleed section of course) where you were supposed to sit in the first place...the seats that also happen to be COVERED.

As you leave the game, you realize how close you are to Chipotle. Stop off for a big (and by big, I mean HUGE) chicken burrito, one each. Still hungry? Don't worry, you can finish your wife's half-eaten burrito, since she never can finish anyway.

Back on the road again, you suddenly have a craving for something sweet. You remember that Maggie Moos is on the way. Naturally, you have to stop off and get bright yellow, gooey Marshmallow and bright blue, creamy Cotton Candy ice cream; one scoop of each.

And what awaits you at home? Your brand new, flat screen TV and Xbox. :)

Man, life is good on nights like these, right honey? :)

1 comment:

dad said...

How fun :-)

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