Saturday, August 4

Ava the Explorer

This girl has so much energy these days, I don't know what to do with her. 
She is constantly on the go.
At least once or twice a day, I take Ava outside and we walk around our entire apartment complex 
(okay it's actually pretty small, but big for those itty bitty baby legs).
Perfect for tiring her out before nap times. 
Ava knows exactly where to go, and she leads the way every time.
She stops along the way to touch each leaf and speck of dirt,
but she pauses long enough to pick up only the most interesting of objects.
If she does pick something up, it will stay squeezed in her chubby baby hand for the remainder of our walk. 


When we get home, I love prying open her hand and seeing what she considers her most prized treasures. 
I have to admit, they usually are very neat - tiny pinecones, brightly colored flower petals, and other things that I would have no idea what to call or how to describe them. 
Bottom line...Ava is a little explorer and she loves being outside.
So much, in fact, no matter how long our little excursions are...when it's eventually time to go back home, Ava is a little less than devastated. 

I think she could spend the entire day outside if I let her. 
Notice her pacifier in her mouth in all these pictures. If I don't make sure her pacifier is in, she will pop any and everything into her mouth. :)explore-4

Have I mentioned yet how much I LOVE this age?
So much fun!


Jessie said...

I love her little walk. What a sweetie!

Adri and Russ Lee said...

She's so cute! I love her ponytail. I love her shorts, and I love that she's walking around. I was going to say how tiny and walking she is....but she's not really that tiny! She looks like an 18 month old. Maybe you should try to sneak her into nursery! I'm also impressed that she keeps her pacifier in. Sophia will for a while but then promptly pops it out and uses her lightning fast motor skills to put things in her mouth before the binky even has time to fall to the ground!

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