Sunday, November 24



Ava has quite the little personality. She is smart and funny, inquisitive and observant, feisty and beyond active (they call that "spirited, I've learned), and sweet and sensitive. She undoubtedly keeps me on my toes and never sits still for more than a minute. So many times a day, she blows me away with the things she picks up on and how quickly she learns things. People constantly think she is much older than she is because, one she is SO tall, and two she talks so well and is so smart.

These are just some funny things she has said or done lately that I want to remember:

One day, I was having a rough morning with Gavin and was feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. He finally went down for nap and I quickly made Ava and myself some lunch. As we sat down together to eat it, she stopped, folded her arms and said, "Prayers?"  I asked, "Ava, do you want to say it?" She quickly responded cheerfully, "Yeah!" She then said the most beautiful and perfectly imperfect prayer I have ever heard. "Heady Fader, thank you, Momma, Daddy, Gavin, Grampa, Gramma, Uncles, Aunties, Jesus, Night night, Amen." All the many nights of her listening to Bryson or me pray, she was listening and understanding, and she was able to recreate it on her own. It was a beautiful little tender mercy in a way, exactly what I needed to feel at that moment. Sweet baby girl.

She knows many of her favorite books by heart, including "Caps for Sale," and "We're Going on a Bear Hunt."

She knows all her ABC's, can count to 11 (haha), can count backwards from 5. She knows these shapes: oval, circle, rectangle, triangle, diamond, star, heart, square

She is ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE! She is constantly running around and jumping and dancing and rolling around. She also loves to jump off any and everything. This is all thanks to her dad who encourages it, all while I am standing by (or more like shouting, No, no, be careful!) scared to death. She is fearless I tell you!

She LOVESSSS nursery and asks for it daily.

Funny/cute things she says: 
  • "Waz zat sound?" (What's that sound?)
  • "Happy Momma? Happy 'gin?" (Happy again?) - When I sigh or if she can tell I am sad or upset, she will ask this repeatedly until I say, "Yes Ava, I'm happy." She is VERY aware of feelings and emotions and very concerned if I am ever anything less than happy. 
  • "Happy choice." This is our catch phrase if Ava is being naughty or throwing a fit. I say, "Ava it's time to make a happy choice," hoping she will change her attitude and be happy. If she is in timeout, I tell her, "You can come out of timeout when you make a happy choice." So, she will cry and cry in timeout until suddenly she stops, runs to me with a big smile and says, Ava happy choice!"
  • "Bubbas" - This is what she calls Gavin. LOVE it - I think it's the cutest nickname. It started back when she couldn't say "Brother," and it has stuck. So cute. She also calls him Gavs and Gavers and Baby.
  • I can't even think of anything else to write here - but she is talking 3-4 word sentences and speaks very clearly. I took her into the doctor the other day to check for asthma and the doctor was amazed by how clearly she speaks. 

And since I am lazy and can't think of anything else to write, I'll just add some videos for an added bonus haha.


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