Tuesday, November 5

Gavin {8 months}

Dear Gavin,

Today you turned 8 months old! What a difference a month has made - you really have grown and changed A LOT this month!


Here are the new things you are doing:

You are almost crawling, but still moving very fast doing your little army crawl. You can crawl on your knees a short distance, but are still much faster at the army crawl. You can get back up onto knees into crawling position from laying down and from there you can sit up. Several times when I come to get you from your nap, you are sitting up in your crib. You can sit up on knees like you are kneeling and then pull yourself up to standing. You stand up in your crib and grab onto the couch to pull yourself up to stand up.

You are extremely active, constantly on the go, go, go, go, go. You will go to great lengths to find any and every tiny little speck on the floor (and put it straight into your mouth). You wiggle yourself into the funniest, most random spots and then cry for me to come save retrieve you. You try so hard to keep up with Ava and for the most part, you do well! You chase after her, squealing with glee. I love to watch the two of you play together - she loves to let you know who's "boss," but what she doesn't know is, someday you will be bigger and stronger and will fight back when she takes your toys. But I also know that even when you can fight back, you will always be a good friend to your big sister.

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You are eating finger foods and you LOVE it. I honestly think you would sit in the high chair all day long if I let you eating green beans, little pieces of cheese, banana, apples, beans, cereal and anything else I feed you. You get SO unbelievably excited at even the sight of a jar of baby food or anything that looks even remotely like it.

You now have two teeth. You love to give big, slobbery, open-mouthed kisses. You can now put your pacifier back in your mouth all by yourself (although you don't seem to be as attached as your sister is to her pacifier).

This month you were sick for the first time. You had a little cold with a runny nose and a little cough. There were some rougher nights than usual, but overall you handled it well. 

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Things you love: baths, splashing in the bath, big sister Ava (she can make you laugh and laugh), jumping, "dancing," food, being outside, swinging in the baby swing at the park, driving in the car (no matter how fussy, if I put you in the car you are happy the entire time we are driving), being tickled, when your Daddy throws you up in the air

(something that is a daily, or should I say nightly, struggle for me, as your over-tired mom).
Every morning when I get you from your crib (after you have woken up every 2-3 hours all night long), I tell you it's a good thing I think you are SOOO ridiculously cute or else this lack of sleep thing would not end well for one or both of us. (haha, I'm kidding...but really). We have tried sleep training and it works for MAYBE a couple nights and then it's right back to the constant waking. AND let this be a true testament to you, my son, of how. much. I. really. do. LOOOOVE. you! Because as exhausted as I am, as frustrated as I can get being woken up so frequently, I still melt the second I hold you in my arms and I would do it forever and ever if that's what you need (but please, let's not put that promise to the test haha). I know some day you will learn to sleep through the night, some day you won't need me anymore - so I will relish these fleeting moments when you really DO need me.
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Gavin, in my eyes you really are the most beautiful, sweet, happy baby boy I could have ever asked for. You bring so much joy and happiness into my life and into our family, we are so blessed to have you. I love you, I love you, I love you, what more can I say?



Happy 8 months my sweet boy.
Momma :)

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