Monday, May 5

Gavin {14 Months}


New things Gavin does:

Signs: daddy, grandpa, more, milk, all done, baby, book, up, hi, bye, bath, fish, elephant, bird, 

Words: mama, up, tries to say "moo," says "mmmm ah" for kisses

Understands a lot of words: dance (starts dancing), car (runs to the front door) eat (runs to the kitchen or his highchair), bath (runs to the bath), jump (and he "jumps" ha) - way more than this, but you get the idea


LOOOVES animals. Gets so excited when he sees an animal in a book, on TV, a dog at the park or any animal at the zoo. He starts squealing out of joy the moment he sees an animal. He isn't afraid of dogs at all and will let them lick him in the face and he isn't phased. When he wakes up from his nap, he reaches for his stuffed animals and hugs and kisses them all one by one. Then he looks at the bear and growls, "Rwaaaar."

Tackles Ava and wrestles her. Loves to follow Ava around. He definitely knows how to bug her too, which she definitely deserves after a year of bugging him. :)

Loves books! He will sit quietly and look through books for a good amount of time and then bring them to me wanting me to read them. 
Climbs onto EVERYTHING - look away for a minute and he's on the dining room table. He loves to climb up the jungle gym at the park and slides down the slide by himself.

Loves to play with balls - kicks them, throws them, chases them all over the house. He completely entertains himself with balls. 

Runs fast - tooooo fast. Look away and he's gone!

"Tough" guy - he falls constantly because of his running and climbing, but he always picks himself back up and brushes it off like it's nothing. His many bumps and bruises will attest to that.


Blows raspberries constantly
Loves baths - say the word and he starts taking his shirt off.
Would live outside if I let him - and HATES coming inside after we are done playing.
Is learning how to be "soft" - he will gently rub your face if you say "soft."
Thinks smacking you in the face is hilarious.
Loves other kids (runs to them and hugs them)

Has 9 teeth with 2 more molars coming in - he has 2 molars already.
Wears size 12-18 month clothes, size 3 diapers

Is down to one nap, starting around noon, for about 2.5-3 hours (I LOVE the one-nap schedule so much better!)
Sleeps from 7:30-7:30 every night (and very RARELY wakes up at night anymore)
Still nursing, but we're slowly working on weaning

Gavin, you're just the sweetest little thing in this entire, wide world. You make me happy and proud and so LUCKY to be your mom. I love your excited little demeanor and your endless smiles. 
I love you!

-Momma :)


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