Friday, June 13

Gavin {15 months}

I have come to realize the reason I love to record my kid's milestones on this blog is because I truly love going back and re-reading and looking at pictures - it helps so much with the memories that I THINK I will remember, but never actually do.

So here is Gavin at 15 months:

Gavin is the funniest, most curious, easy-going, happy little boy. He is happy to just run and play and get into everything. He loves following Ava around and he especially loves to bug her to get a reaction out of her.  He thinks he is hilarious and loves to do "silly" things and then he throws his head back and laughs and laughs with his mouth wide open...wildly entertaining himself.
He still isn't saying very many words. Oftentimes I will hear him say words, but he never says them on command and only very rarely - so I know he CAN say them, he just doesn't choose to say them. Mostly he just points and says emphatically, "EH!" He can say milk (meh), more (mah), uh oh (uh uh), mama, hi, up, ball. He can sign dog, eat, banana, elephant, more, milk, passy, dad, grandpa, up, bird, bath, all done, baby, book, hi, bye, fish.
Gavin LOVES animals - especially in books and on TV. When he sees them in person he gets a little timid and nervous (except around puppies, he LOVES them!) He recognizes elephants and lions (he rawrs like a lion) and giraffes, birds, dogs and fish.

He is learning his body parts - he will point to his belly, nose, head, eyes and toes on command. If you say "Where's your muscles?" he will "flex" his muscles.
Gavin loves to play peek a boo. If you say, "Where's Gavin?" He hides his eyes behind his hands and waits for a second to two and them pops his hands out wide with a big smile.

Gavin is my little climber. He will climb up anything fearlessly and does it so quickly, it makes me so nervous. I can't look away for even a minute or he is on top of the kitchen table. At the park, he is fearless and climbs to the top of the jungle gym and slides down the slide all by himself (with me carefully watching, of course). He also likes to climb into things - baskets, into the cabinets of the entertainment name it. He's a busy, busy, busy little guy - constantly on the move and always curious about everything.
On the flip side of that - Gavin is so good about sitting in his stroller and being a good little "go with the flow" boy. At the zoo, it's almost like he isn't there because he is so good, just sitting in his stroller and enjoying the view. The same when we go out to eat, he is so good about sitting in his highchair and he just enjoys being out and about.

Gavin wears size 12-18 month clothes, size 5 shoe, size 3 diapers, and weighs about 23 lbs. He goes to bed at 7:30pm and sleeps until usually 7:30-8:00am (sometimes waking up early morning around 6, but he goes back to sleep). He sometimes takes one nap, sometimes two...but always at least one around noon or 1pm for 2-3 hours. Gavin is SO good about going to bed now, he almost begs for it. I say, "Let's go take a nap," and he runs down the hall to his room. I will rock him in my arms for a few seconds and then he lunges into his crib and rolls over and goes to sleep. Good little boy!
This little boy has my whole heart - he makes me so proud to be his mom! I love you, my sweet, happy Gavin boy!

Momma :)

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