Sunday, February 7

twenty five

Now that I've been tagged like a gazillion times in this, I figure it's time.

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you.
  1. When I was little, my biggest fear was sharks. I was so scared, it would keep me awake at night and I would run to the bathroom and kneel on the little fuzzy blue bathroom rug and pray and pray that my family wouldn't get eaten. Which wasn't even a remote possibility, since I lived in COLORADO.
  2. You couldn't pay me to eat pretzels or cantaloupe. Yuck.
  3. I played Barbies with my little sister until I was like 21. Okay, not really...but practically. haha
  4. I avoid talking on the phone at all costs, and I'm horrible at calling the people that I really DO want to talk to. Sometimes even though I want to talk to someone really bad, I ignore their call, It's seriously nothing personal, I know it's crazy! If I DO call someone, it's usually as I am driving alone in my car.
  5. After my first date with Bryson (I was 16), I wrote in my journal, "I want to marry a guy JUST like Bryson."
  6. I have "quit" biting my fingernails about 1,000 times. Maybe I will "quit" again tomorrow.
  7. I love musicals - like Singing in the Rain, My Fair Lady, The Music Man, Hello Dolly. It's what I grew up on. I think life would be SO cool if we all acted like they do in musicals. This is one reason I love 2nd grade...we can sing and it's still "cool." :)
  8. I love to "appear" to be clean and organized. Just don't open any of my closets or drawers.
  9. I prefer to watch TV online, like the day after it is really on TV. To me, that is the perfect way to unwind after a long day...lying in bed, falling asleep to a day-old TV show haha.
  10. I usually "obsess" over one type of food for about a month or two and then never want to eat it ever again. I've been through an oatmeal phase, a Subway phase, a "Rumbi" phase, an "Olive Garden" phase...and many more. BUT I don't think I will ever outgrow my ice cream phase.
  11. I LOVE going to the gym, once I'm in the routine! :)
  12. When I'm driving alone, I acutally prefer driving in silence to having any music playing. It's therapeutic to me.
  13. I always, always, always misspell the word "actually" and don't realize until the little red squiggly line tells me so. (see above for proof) :)
  14. One skill I have, that REALLY helped me get through college, is that I can write a paper in record time and somehow pull off an A every time. No clue...really.
  15. I have split my chin open twice and have the scars to prove it. Once when I was a baby and once when I was about 8.
  16. I have a scar on my leg from when I hiked a volcano lava field in Hawaii, forgot flashlights, tripped and fell onto the glass lava rock. More than anything, I just felt dumb for being clumsy.
  17. I have played the piano for 18 years. Now, I just wish I had a piano to play.
  18. It annoys me when people post their whole names including their middles names as their default name on Facebook.
  19. I check my email any spare second I have (while waiting in the drive-thru, waiting for a commercial, etc). It's just a habit.
  20. I hardly ever take medicine when I am sick. When I do, I read and re-read the instructions and precautions and side effects about 20 times. It scares me...for some reason.
  21. I asked for a pencil sharpener for Christmas.
  22. I am never satisfied with my hair color...I'm always thinking about what I should do NEXT.
  23. I fight the urge to correct people when they use poor grammar.
  24. My dream job would be a photographer/videographer! That would be SO fun to me!
  25. 25 things is WAY too many things! wow

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