Saturday, September 29

12 Months - Happy 1st Birthday!

Dear Ava Sophia,

Today you are officially a one-year old. When I look back on this year, I can't believe how much you have grown, learned, done, are no longer my baby, you are officially a toddler! It has been a wonderful year, the best year of my life - I can't imagine my life with you.


At 12 months, you can now say a couple words. You have been saying "hi," for a while, but now you can say "dook" for book and you can say "uh" for uh oh. You have started imitating the sound a dog makes and you say "oof oof" whenever we say puppy. You are getting great at baby sign language and can sign all done, more, up, baby, drink and you can make the touchdown sign. You are still working on signing milk.


You absolutely love books and if I say, "Ava get me a book," you will run to your basket of books and hurriedly bring me a book of your choosing. You help me flip through the pages, and when the book is done, you wiggle your way off my lap and run back to the basket for the next book. This can go on until the basket of books is empty...or until Mommy decides to distract you with something else.


You are pointing at everything these days. If I say, "Ava, where's Daddy?" you automatically point to your Dad. You point to things and look at me as if to say, "What's this?" Sometimes we go on tours of the apartment pointing out and naming everything in sight. You also like to hold my finger in your hand and use my finger to point to things, especially when reading books.

Things you love:

  • Dogs and puppies
  • Being chased
  • Going outside
  • Reading stories
  • When Daddy comes home from work
  • Music and dancing! You've got the moves! 
  • Stuffed animals

Things you do NOT love:
  • Sitting still
  • When people leave the apartment without you
  • When we change your diaper or get your dressed (usually because, once again, you do not want to be sitting still). 


You are a very snuggly and affectionate little girl. You love to give hugs! When I come to get you up from your nap, I pick you up and you wrap your tiny baby arms around my neck and squeeze so tight. At church, you will run up to people in the hall and hug their legs, look up at their faces and say "hi!" with a gigantic smile on your face. People frequently comment that they are amazed that you "give REAL hugs!" You will be playing, playing, playing and then take a break to run over to me and give me a big, sweet hug. You definitely know how to melt your momma's heart.


You are wearing size 4 diapers, and 12-18 month or 18 month clothes for the most part. Some 18 month clothes are still big on you, but I buy them anyway anticipating a growth spurt. :) You drink 3 bottles a day, and eat a lot of "big kid" food throughout the day. You love juice, cheese, and all kinds of fruit. You especially love peanut butter and jelly. You still take 2 naps a day; one at 11 and one at 3. Each nap is 1.5-2 hours long. You still go to bed at 9 and wake up sometime between 8:30 and 9am.

The biggest news that will have the largest impact on your life so far is finding out you are going to have a baby BROTHER in about 5 1/2 months! Of course, from the moment you were born I viewed life in shades of pink and filled your room with nothing but the most girly of things. Now, we are happily and excitedly preparing for a little boy to join our family and to share your room - which means swapping out the pink curtains for something a little more gender neutral. But of course, you will always be my pink girl. I am on a mission to get you to understand what a "baby" is and how to be soft and gentle. Every chance I get, I am showing you pictures of babies and teaching you how to be soft to your baby dolls. You already know how to sign "baby," so the next step is to say "baby." My dream would be for you to walk into the hospital room and point to your little brother and say, "baby." :) You will be the best, best, best big sister - what a lucky little guy your brother will be!


Well my sweet, darling baby Ava Sophia, I adore you more than you will probably ever understand. I am so grateful that you are my daughter forever and ever, whether you like it or not. ;) You are beautiful and funny, inquisitive and adventurous. You are sweet and snuggly, silly and loud. You are my sweet baby and I love you so much.

Happy birthday beautiful girl!


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