Wednesday, March 27

Gavin is {3 weeks}

I spent a lot of time worrying during my pregnancy.
Worrying about the health of my unborn child. 
Worrying about my ability to care for two children. 
Worrying about my capacity to love another child as much as I love Ava. 
If there's anything I've learned in the past three weeks, it's that every new little life is a blessing. 
And as my family grows, my ability to love expands exponentially. 
My love for my daughter doubled overnight -- something I didn't think possible. 
And my love for my little boy, my Gavin, is greater, sweeter and deeper than I ever could have imagined. 

Gavin truly a wonderful baby. 
I can't believe he has been in our family for 3 weeks already. 
Part of me feels like it's been longer and part of me can't even believe he's here. 
I adore him.
 I am incredibly blessed to be his mom.

Here are some things that I want to remember from his "newborn" stage:
  • He is a great eater, good sleeper and he honestly hardly ever cries. 
  • At 2 weeks, Gavin hit his first big growth spurt and was eating every 1.5 hours for a couple days. 
  • Now he is back to eating every 3 hours, day and night, like clockwork. 
  • After he eats, he is awake for a very short while and then he falls asleep until he is hungry again. He will kind of start fussing, so I will wrap him up and lay him down in his bouncer chair and he will fall asleep on his own. He loves to be swaddled.
  • When he does get hungry, he just kind of fusses and grunts - no crying unless I am busy with Ava or we are driving home and can't get to him for a little while. Even then, he doesn't really cry too loudly or for very long.
  • When he wakes up at night to eat, I have to work hard to keep him awake long enough to keep eating - he's just so sleepy. After he's done, he goes right back to sleep. He wakes up every 3 hours at night (Ava was sleeping 6+ hours at night by this time).
  • Gavin hated his first couple baths, but has now learned to love them. Grandma Lisa gave him his first several baths.
  • He likes his pacifier, but not as much as Ava did. He doesn't ever sleep with it in his mouth. 
  • He hardly ever spits up - maybe once every couple days.
  • He LOVES his car seat (something his big sister hated from day one). He falls asleep the instant we put him in the car seat and stays asleep until we take him back out.
  • He smiles a lot in his sleep and he makes the funniest "ugly-cute" faces when he is trying to get comfortable.
  • He is pretty good at holding his head up when we hold him up on our shoulder.

At his 2 week check-up, he weighed 8 lb 4.4 oz (43.98%) and was 1' 10.25" or 22.25" tall (98.73%).
(Crazy to think at 2 weeks, he was still smaller than Ava was when she was born).
Tall and skinny. Apparently I make tall babies.

Ava absolutely loves him. 
She proudly introduces him to random strangers in the grocery store or Target. 
"Baby," she will smile and say as she points to him in his car seat. 
When Gavin cries, Ava will try very hard to comfort him - 
she holds his hand, rubs his little head and laughs right in his face to try to cheer him up. 
She likes to help burp him, put his pacifier in his mouth and she always throws his dirty diapers in the trash can for us. 

She does get jealous at times - especially when it comes to sharing me. 
If I am feeding him and she wants to sit on my lap, she will try to pull him off my lap as she says, "No, no, no." 
But for the most part, she waits until I am done and then climbs onto my lap wanting the same treatment Gavin just got 
(meaning, she will go get the same pillow, blanket, etc and cozy up with me). 

She loves to kiss the back of his head and she loves to put her head right next to his when he is laying on a blanket. 
Unfortunately she also likes to try to hold him (and then almost drop him)
- something I try to distract her from several times a day haha.


I love my sweet girl and my sweet boy. 
I am so excited to watch them grow up together.

And with that, I am off to kiss my babies.


Adri and Russ Lee said...

This is a beautiful post! I love those pictures! It's incredible how different kids are - how are we ever supposed to know what to do if it always changes!? I have those same fears about having a second child someday, and I am really happy to hear that it's so much better than you could ever imagine.

Jessie said...

Your babies are so sweet, Ashley! And your photos are gorgeous. I need to put more effort into mine... I'm all cell phone these days!

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