Thursday, September 5

Gavin {6 months} - Happy Half Birthday!


Dear Gavin,

You turned 6 months old on September 6, 2013. You are officially HALF a year old! I can't believe how quickly you have grown and how much you have learned in six short months. You continually melt my heart. People everywhere just "ooh" and "aww" over you, and really, I don't blame them - you are simply adorable. Many people have said you remind them of the Gerber Baby and told me I could make some money off you. Hmmm.... :) To be honest, you could be the world's most unfortunate looking baby and I would still think you were the absolute most beautiful boy! I am totally, completely and shamelessly obsessed! 


Here are the highlights from this month:
  • You tried solid food: rice cereal, sweet potatoes, bananas, apples. 
  • You despise formula and will not drink any of it.
  • You were sleep trained for about 3 days. And then you went back to waking up every 2-3 hours al night long.
  • You are sitting up and you definitely prefer sitting to laying down.
  • Basic schedule: 8am wake up, 10am nap, 1pm nap, 5pm nap, 8pm bedtime. Usually wake up 2-3 times at night.
  • During the day you are very mellow and easy going. You are very easy to smile and will flash a big, bright smile at anyone and everyone!
  • You are very "busy" and curious and want to be mobile SO badly! You can turn in complete circles and roll all over the place, but crawling is still out of your reach. You love to grab any and everything and stick it directly into your mouth.
  • Still no teeth
  • You love to jump - in your jumper or while someone is holding you. 
  • You love when I hum or sing to you as you are falling asleep. Whenever I sing a song, you stop and stare and intently listen.

You weigh 8.72 kg (19 lb 3.6 oz) (77.09%*), and are 2' 4.25" (96.59%*). Your BMI is 16.94 kg/m2. 

You love, love, LOVE your big sister! She can make you laugh and smile so much! She really loves you too! I know you two will be great friends - how lucky you are to have each other. The person who can make you laugh the most however, is your dad. As soon as he gets home, you light right up and babble, coo and laugh all night so long as your Daddy is holding you. :)


Here you are at each month....such a handsome boy!

I love you soooooooooooo much baby boy!

Love always and always and always,
Momma :)

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