Sunday, July 13

Gavin {16 months}

While we were in Virigina, Gavin turned 16 months. Crazy to me to think that Gavin was born when Ava was 17 months just a month away. I feel like he is still so much of a baby himself, I can't believe we were getting ready to add another baby to the mix when Ava was his age.

If this is not the sweetest, cutest little guy you've ever laid eyes on, I don't must be crazy hahaha. Okay yes, I am his extremely biased mom, but wow, wow, wow he is sooooo dreamy to me. He has me wrapped around his tiny little finger like it's nobody's business. Look at that face!!!!! I could die!
Words he can say: bubble, pop, puppy, Papa, apple, duck, popcorn, milk (meh), more (mah), uh oh (uh uh), mama, hi, up, ball (of course, I know what he's saying...but everyone else looks at me like, "what is he trying to say?" hahaha. I guess only I speak Gavin's language)

Words he can sign: dog, eat, banana, elephant, more, milk, passy, dad, grandpa, up, bird, bath, all done, baby, book, hi, bye, fish.
Gavin is a FUNNY little guy! He can make Ava laugh like nobody else. They have been so cute together lately - playing and entertaining each other and making each other laugh so hard. That is the ultimate reward, for sure!
Gavin is also very "daring" when it comes to climbing and playing. He will climb anything and everything, slide down the biggest slide without flinching, etc. However, he is much more fearful of rides than Ava was (which isn't hard because Ava will ride anything and always has been like that). He will ride any ride, he just likes to make sure I am right there with him.

Gavin LOVES animals, especially dogs. He isn't scared of dogs at all. My aunt has the most beautiful, sweetest yellow lab named Lola, and Gavin just went nuts over her. Lola was so patient to let Gavin roll all over her, lay on her, pet he constantly - and Gavin totally loved being licked in the lace by Lola. Sweeeeetest ever!!

There is so much more I could say about this little guy - he is perfection in a 23 pound body and absolutely has my heart and soul in his chubby little hands. I love, love, love watching him grow and learn and discover and explore. I LOVE his sweet little snuggles and tight hugs he gives me throughout the day.

This is my little boyboy.

Love you G!
Momma :)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

He IS so adorable. Wow!!! I may be giving you a call in about 20 years for my daughter. ;-)

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