Monday, June 29

Funny Video

I saw this video at Divine Comedy like 2 years ago and still think it's so funny. I don't think ANYONE except BYU students would get this video...and in case you don't know, if you go to BYU, boys cannot have ANY facial hair at all except...a mustache. A mustache? Really?

Sunday, June 21

Happy .... Days!!

June 19th was my Dad's birthday and 2 days later - TODAY - is Father's Day!! One more year until he is officially "old" haha. Just kidding. All weekend I have been thinking of my dad and all the things he has done and does for me and for my family. Well, I love my dad - he's the best dad a girl could possibly have. I will always remember as a little girl hearing my mom say almost daily, "Girls, do you realize how wonderful your father is? Well, he is! I want you to marry a man just like your dad - will you do that?" Of course, we said, "Oh mom...." and rolled our eyes, but over the years I came to realize that if I was to marry a man like my dad, I'd be a lucky girl! :-) For the last 8 years, my dad has not only been a "dad," but also a mom of sorts. It's not very many dads that will get up in the morning and help their daughters curl their hair, sit in the American Eagle lobby for what I'm sure felt like hours waiting for their daughters to finally pick out a pair of jeans, or listen - and really listen - to their daughters talks about boys and all that other girl drama and blah blah blah. :-) But, MY dad did ALL of that - and much, much, much, much more. I can't even begin to express the love, appreciation and admiration I feel for my dad. Because of him, our family is as close as we are and because of his example, we have chosen to live the lives we have. I love him and wish him the best BIRTHDAY and FATHER'S DAY ever! I wish I could be there to celebrate with hamburgers on the grill and a big slice of german chocolate cake!

And for the record - I am a very, very lucky girl because I did marry an incredible man - my momma would be proud! :-)

Also, today is my baby brother, Jayson's, birthday! He is the big 1-5 and I can't believe he is getting his driver's permit! (If you are in Colorado Springs, be on the lookout for either a green minivan or white subaru with a teenage boy behind the wheel haha). I remember the day Jayson was born - in Mechanicsville, Virginia and when we went to visit him in the hospital for the first time - and now my little baby boy is all grown up - or at least on his way! :-) He is super smart, amazing at the guitar, a great golfer, such a sweet brother and just hilarious - and also super cute...the ladies love him haha. :-)
Happy Birthday Jay-Dogg!!!

Saturday, June 20

i love this picture!
buti love my husband more!!

Wednesday, June 17

Thankful For Today...

Today I am thankful for....

1. My Husband - always making me laugh, just check him out in that pic and you will know what i mean. the picture is from right after he had surgery to fix his ACL...and he asked the doctor, "do you think I can have some scrubs and hair net to take home with me." Obviously, she said yes.

2. Granny and Papa - I am so grateful for the many things Granny and Papa have done for us and helped us out with! From the fabulous honeymoon to the amazing chance we get to live with the for the summer, they never stop thinking of others and I can't even begin to say thank you enough to them!!

3. Free Pizza! Today we went to Papa Johns to get Kameron a pizza and I wanted some pizza of my own SO bad - but my husband is extremely frugal, so a $15 pizza was out of the question haha. Kameron ordered his pizza, and then a lady came in to pick up her pizza. I guess they gave her something different than she ordered, so they quickly said, "Oh, we'll make you a new one." WELL, Bryson and I looked at that pizza sitting behind the counter knowing they would just throw it away, and thought, "well it doesn't hurt to ask." Bryson - working it - said, "how much can we pay you for that pizza that the lady didn't want?" AND they said, "Oh you can just go ahead and take it...we'd just throw it away anyway." JOYYYYYYY!!! A pizza never tasted so good! :-)

Saturday, June 13

Virginia is for the WEBSTERS!

We are living in Virginia for the summer, living with Granny and Papa and working. We LOVE Virginia! As we were driving out here, Bryson kept looking around in awe and saying over and over, "I feel like we are in a tropical rainforest! It's SO green!" He has never been out east, so I don't think he has seen this many trees in his entire life! We've been doing some fun things since we've been here! We've been to Busch Gardens, Water Country, Washington D.C., Williamsburg, Belle's Isle...and we've gotten lost in about every town from D.C. to Newport News. I swear we have been lost a million times! D.C was the WORST! I've never been more confused in my life! Bryson is getting better at knowing his way around...NOT ME! The other day I went to Target and was so proud because I acutally found it...but going back home I probably drove 30 miles in the oposite direction until I realized I was going the wrong way. I am used to having the mountains on the West in Colorado or the east in Utah! :-) Anyway, here are some pictures from some of our little adventures.
Us at the Lincoln Memorial in DC
Bryson at the Vietnam Memorial
This is all I had to wear because I didn't know we were staying the night in DC...a skirt and tennis shoes. Cuuuute.
The Washington Monument
Bryson and Abe Lincoln
Bryson and the Washington Monument
Washington Monument
Us at Belle Isle
Belle Isle - look at those beautiful trees!
Belle Isle
Bryson at Williamsburg firing off an authentic rifle from the Revolutionary War haha
On our way out to Virginia, we stopped in SAINT LOUIS to check out where Elder Brad Webster!!! will be for the next 2 years!
Me with the Gateway Arch in the background.

Well, that's a quick update. Maybe someday I will post a picture of Bryson and me in our ADORABLE work uniforms - and by adorable, I mean awful. So then again, maybe I won't! :-) Well, we're off to bed! NIGHT!!!! :-)

Tuesday, June 9

Wedding Weekend

The weekend of our wedding was so fun! People always told me, "Enjoy those days because they are so fun and they go SO fast." I was always kind of like, "yeah, yeah I get it," but now I find myself telling engaged girls the same thing! Starting with Nam and Nampa coming on Saturday and going shopping for decorations and other final things for the reception, to the Rehearsal Dinner...the whole experience was SO fun even before the day of our wedding!

Thursday night, everyone met us up at the temple and I was able to go through for the first time with my amazing family and my wonderful husband. I was so happy that so much of my family was able to come! Thank you SO much to everyone who came!! :-)
Friday morning, Auntie and Tickie hosted a beautiful Bridesmaid Breakfast at a really nice place in Monument. All the women in the family met and we ate breakfast, talked and laughed. It was so great to be able to have all those important women in my life meet and get to know each other better before the wedding. It was so fun! Thanks Auntie and Tickie!!

Then Friday night, the Websters hosted an amazing Rehearsal Dinner at The Hub. The food was incredible (too bad I was so paranoid about being able to fit into my dress that I couldn't fully stuff my face like I wanted to haha) and it was great to have both families together for the first time! I kept forgetting that, even though I knew almost everyone in the room, that most of them didn't know each other haha. We ate, talked, watched a great slideshow by Kaitlyn and talked some more. It was a very fun night! Thanks Mom and Dad Webster!

And of course, it wouldn't be a party without ... arm wrestling.

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