Wednesday, June 17

Thankful For Today...

Today I am thankful for....

1. My Husband - always making me laugh, just check him out in that pic and you will know what i mean. the picture is from right after he had surgery to fix his ACL...and he asked the doctor, "do you think I can have some scrubs and hair net to take home with me." Obviously, she said yes.

2. Granny and Papa - I am so grateful for the many things Granny and Papa have done for us and helped us out with! From the fabulous honeymoon to the amazing chance we get to live with the for the summer, they never stop thinking of others and I can't even begin to say thank you enough to them!!

3. Free Pizza! Today we went to Papa Johns to get Kameron a pizza and I wanted some pizza of my own SO bad - but my husband is extremely frugal, so a $15 pizza was out of the question haha. Kameron ordered his pizza, and then a lady came in to pick up her pizza. I guess they gave her something different than she ordered, so they quickly said, "Oh, we'll make you a new one." WELL, Bryson and I looked at that pizza sitting behind the counter knowing they would just throw it away, and thought, "well it doesn't hurt to ask." Bryson - working it - said, "how much can we pay you for that pizza that the lady didn't want?" AND they said, "Oh you can just go ahead and take it...we'd just throw it away anyway." JOYYYYYYY!!! A pizza never tasted so good! :-)

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