Friday, October 23

Not Scary...

So tonight, Bryson and I went to see the Japanese version of "The Ring" that the BYU international cinema was playing on campus. This was supposed to be the legitimatly SCARY version...everyone said it was "way scarier than the American version."

Ha. No

But at least it was free! :-)

But still...I will admit, when we got home, Bryson had his "fun" trying to scare the pants off me -- jumping out at me from behind corners and opening doors and screaming in my face. It worked and I screamed and jumped every single time. Then, he turned the lights off in the bathroom and shut me in and I pictured some killer "Ring" girl with her long, black hair over her face hiding behind the shower curtain and her creepy hands without fingernails reaching out to grab me and I yelled, "Please, please! Let me out!"

He just laughed.

I will get him back! haha

Wednesday, October 14

Makes your heart got pitter pat

These are the kinds of love notes you get daily from 2nd graders
...and it really does make everything worth it.

Dear Mrs. Webster, you are very very very nice and very pretty.
I hope you have a fun time teaching me and the class. I love all of your storys that you tell us it seems like you had fun! I hope you have the best year with are class!
Love, B

You’re the best thechr in the hoew wide world.
Love, J

Mrs. Webster is looking cute today and she is a nice teacher.
Love, J

Dear Mrs. Webster,
You’re a great teacher! I love this class!
Love, C

You are cutt. I love you.
Love, B

To: Mrs Webster
You are the best teacher ever you are funny and nice. have fun!
Love, B

and just for laughs...

This cartoon is so accurate for ME as a brand new teacher - I swear I am always running to someone - "uhh, what should I do about this?" haha Nothing like "on the job training!" :-) We just finished learning time in my class and about 7 of the kids have digital watches. So, during the day I would sometimes ask, "What time is it right now?" Of course, those kids look at their wrists and exclaim "1:15!" The sad thing is...I carry around my cell phone ALL DAY and use that as my clock instead of looking at the clock on the wall.

Saturday, October 10

Deep thoughts by 2nd graders

The other day, I got a paper cut while I was reading my kids a book. Later, at recess, one of my girls comes up to me and says,
"Paper cuts are one of those things that when you have one, everyone says, 'Oh, get over it, it's so small and probably doesnt hurt. But...then they get one and they say, 'Oh! That's what all the fuss is all about!' They hurt and I don't like them...not at all."

Friday, October 9

The Best Five Months

5 months ago today...
I woke up at 5:30 to start getting ready.
I was praying that the weather report was WRONG, wrong, wrong.
I was driving up to the temple hand in hand with my love.
I was sealed to my love...with almost all my family either inside or outside waiting. :-)
I went from having a fiance to having a husband.
I was no longer an "I," but now a "we."
The weather report WAS wrong and we had nothing but sunshine, instead of snow.
We took pictures in front of the tulips as husband and wife.
We danced the night away with anyone and everyone we love!
We drove off, as Mr. and Mrs. Webster
ANnnd we woke up the next morning to SNOW snow and more snow.
But, we escaped and flew to Hawaii! :-)
And we are.
We were SO lucky to spend our first days as a married couple in Hawaii for our honeymoon.
We went to our first "Camel Back" family reunion together.
We took our first across-country road trip together.
We lived in Virginia with Granny and Papa,
and survived working at Busch Gardens in the sweltering heat (it really wasn't that bad :-).
Hawaii, Arizona, Colorado, Virginia (and all the states in between), Nebraska, back to Colorado and now in Utah.
Each day, every minute has been the best of my life
All because I no longer do it as "me"
but as "we . . ."
Together with MY love! :-)

Wednesday, October 7

Feel better soon

I am feeling horrible. So sick. My dad said, "I wish I was there to make you some chicken noodle soup to help you feel better." Mm that sounds great!

A cute story from 2nd grade:
My dad and brother came in on Monday to see my class and my brother played the guitar. My kids were excited to meet my brother because I told them that he was 8 years younger than me, but already taller with bigger feet...AND he plays the guitar and wants to be a rockstar when he grows up haha. So, he, VERY KINDLY, brought his guitar and truly was a rockstar for about 20 minutes while he played a few songs and taught the kids the words to some songs. They LOVED it. I told them later, "My brother had a cold, so he was nervous to play because he thought you wouldn't like his scratchy voice." They all said, "No! no no! He was awesome!" If my kids finish their work early, they are allowed to do a few things, one of them being writing a thank-you letter to the principle, another teacher, etc. After my brother left, about 7 of them came up to me and asked, "Can you write 'Mr. Jayson' on the board so I can write a thank-you note to him." So sweet. Here is what some of them said:
Dear Mr. Jayson,
Thank you for comin. I liked your singing. You are awesome. You are awesome at the guitar.
Dear Mr. Jayson,
Thank you thank you so so much for coming and playing the guitar. You were asome.
P.S. I think you are the best playor in the wourld!
Dear Mr. Jayson,
You are good at guitar duide. You rock! I hope you get better.
And my favorite: (And I'll have to translate)
Dear Mr. Jayson
You did so good with guitar. Even if you have a cof in your nack.
Translation: Even if you have a cough in your neck.
CUUuuute! :-)

Tuesday, October 6

Isn't this cute?

I want to make these with my kidletts. Minus the green hair.

Thursday, October 1

I LOVE fall!

I always forget this until it comes again every year at this time - I LOVE FALL! I love the way the air smells, crisp and cold. I love the hussle and bussle, I love all the candy that lines the aisles of every store. I love bundling up in jackets and scarves, I love the way it feels when you step inside, red nosed from the cold. I love the colors - the bright blue sky next to the deep red and orange leaves on the changing trees. I really just love everything about fall! Now that I am teaching, I find myself loving it even more! I love the holidays that come with fall - Halloween, then Thanksgiving! At school, I love that everything I do can be Halloween themed - we can write spooky poems, we can find scary descriptive words, we can make spiders and ghosts to decorate the classroom. I am so excited for the many fun things we get to do in 2nd grade throughout the coming months!

Today was our 2nd grade field trip to the "Red Barn." The only, and I mean ONLY, things I knew about the Red Barn before today were that, #1 they sell good ice cream in the gift shop, and #2 we were going on a field trip there. So, at 9:30 this morning, tractor pulled wagons, lined with bales of hay as seats, pulled up to our school. One wagon per class - four in all. The kids were SO excited, all bundled up in layers and layers of warm clothes (which took A LOT of discussion and reminders to convince them that they will FREEZE if they don't wear at LEAST 3 layers). Even still, ALL my kids were saying, and I quote, "I'm the most freezing I've ever been!" haha. The tractors pulled us all the way (about 1 mile) to the Red Barn apple orchard where we learned all about apple trees and they let us each pick one apple of our own! :) They showed us how they pick cherries by shaking them with a machine. The kids were laughing and laughing watching that big tree shake like a leaf as all the cherries fell to the ground. Then, they drove us to the pumpkin patch where each teacher got to choose one pumpkin for the class. My class, and I gave in, chose the BIGGEST pumpkin - SO big, I couldn't even carry it - the apple orchard man had to carry it for me, which was very nice. The kids thought it was the best thing ever that we got the biggest pumpkin of all the classes. The entire rest of the day, I heard "Mrs. Webster, we have the biggest pumpkin in all of 2nd grade!" After the pumpkin patch, they drove us to the Red Barn gift shop where they gave everyone an apple cider doughnut with sprinkles. We took pictures, ate and sat in the sun to warm up. I can't speak for the kids (I think they LOVED IT), but I thought it was awesome! It was the perfect thing to do on a perfect fall day!

Today, I have to say, was a great day. It was a day that made me say, "Okay, I can do this," which is huge. HUGE. :-)

I wish I had pictures, but they are on someone's else's camera!

ONE more day until my family comes!!!!!!! SOOOO excited!!

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