I haven't lived in the same state as my sister in a long time. The last time we lived in Provo together was when Kaitlyn was a freshman at BYU and I was starting my junior year of college. Before that, she had been in high school and our 4 year age difference distinguished us as older sister and younger sister easily. Once we were both in college, we started hearing the "are you girls sisters?" A lot and people would instantly recognize us as sisters based upon first impression. Slowly, we started hearing the "you guys look so much alike," and we got asked often "are you girls twins?" This startled us, and would often look at each other, eyes wide open and answer "nooo." As the years went by, we started hearing more and more how much we looked like twins. Now, I hear it literally every single day. Kaitlyn and I will walk into a restaurant, talk to the clerk ringing up our food at the grocery store, or just be standing around talking to each other and immediately hear "Are you girls TWINS?" Everywhere we go...everywhere, without exception. Kaitlyn told me under her breath the other day as our waitress at Carabas was walking to our table, "if she asks us if we are twins, just say yes and go with it." "Why?" I asked. "Because, if we say no, it turns into a 20 minute conversation of how they can't believe we aren't twins. But if we say yes...they just say, 'Oh, cool,' and move on." And so...in case you wanted to know...YES, we are twins. Identical, in every way...just 3 years and 4 months apart.
Personally, I will take this as a huge compliment, because have you seen my sister? She's gorgeous. So...although I do not see how we look like twins...I will take it and not complain.
You may not be identical twins, but you are twins at heart; soul sisters of a sort.
And...tee hee...yes, SaraJane is your new foster sister. But you can't share each other's clothes.
And you have twin sandals on in that 2nd picture. Yep, you are twins.
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