Saturday, May 12

Happy Anniversary!

3 years ago, I married my best friend and high school sweetheart in the Denver temple.
3 years, 
5 moves, 
3 apartments, 
4 states, 
8 jobs, 
2 graduations, 
2 bachelor's degrees, 
1 pet, 
several road trips (too many to count) 
and 1 baby girl who made our family of two into three
...and still going strong!
I can't believe how much has changed in the last 3 years!
Love you so much honey bunch!
Thanks for the best 3 years of my life so far!
And here's to the next 50+ years. :)

This year was Bryson's year to plan our anniversary (we switch off).
He did a GREAT job and definitely surprised me!

This was the extent of my surprises this year - a note on the bathroom mirror. :)
He made me breakfast, got me beautiful flowers and wrote the sweetest card.

Then Friday night, he took me out to a nice restaurant in Lafayette. 
We left Ava with a babysitter, which was the first time we had left her with anyone except family.
I felt a tiny bit of sadness driving away, wondering if she would even notice I was gone.
But (at the risk of sounding like a horrible mom), it was WONDERFUL to have my hubby all to myself for a few hours! 
We came home to reports that Ava had made a new best friend in the cute 6-year old son of the couple who watched Ava. 
I think she might have a little crush. ;)
They even had the CUTEST video to prove it. 
Yes, I have watched and laughed at this video about 1 million times since getting home tonight. 

Here are 3 things you might or might not know about us:
1. We started dating when we were 16. After our first date, I told my sister, "I want to marry a guy just like Bryson."
2. I am 8 months older than Bryson. In high school and college I didn't even think twice about this because we were in the same grade. Now, I'm not looking forward to turning 30, 40, 50 before him. :) Then again, older means wiser...?
3. It took us 3 months of dating to have our first kiss. And that first kiss was...horrible. (No really, it was embarrassingly bad haha). Don't worry, he's made up for it since then. ....a.w.k.w.a.r.d   s.i.l.e.n.c.e....

And on that note...

Thank you Bryson for the wonderful, wonderful, wonderful 3-years!
Wouldn't want to be on this journey with anyone but you!

1 comment:

Sarah Peterson said...

Happy Anniversary! And I LOVE that video of Ava! She is so cute!!

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