Today was my last day in 6th grade. I will truly miss ALL of those kids! I feel like I made a connection with every single one of them in some way. I love them! It was so nice that they brought me gifts, wrote me notes, and said such sweet things. They are adorable and I love them all. We made "fuzzy chick" cookies today because ... well they are cute. :-) 

A funny moment of the day was when I opened the book that we always read aloud and I'm ready to read when I see "Thanks, Mrs. Schooff, You're the greatest! Love, Ryan" scribbled across the page. I thought to myself, "uhhh did Ryan think this was MY book? Great, he wrote in Mrs. Anderson's book thinking it was mine..." and "what the heck was he thinking writing in a BOOK." I sat there staring for a minute, not sure what to say or do, if anything. I turned a few more pages and saw more scribbles - and finally it clicked. I turned to the front page and saw "Dear Miss Schooff, you have done a marvelous job and I am positive you will continue! Mrs. Anderson and class - March 2009." All the kids had bought me my very own copy of the book we had been reading (they are all IN LOVE with the book) and they all signed a little message and their name on one of the pages. I think that is the sweetest gift! I love it! That is something I will definiently keep forever and ever, along with my book of "How You Made a Difference In My Life..." from 2nd grade last semester. These really were my "first" classes - my first students in a small way. I told all my 6th graders that I expect to see them at least twice next year - that they better stop by MY classroom so I can learn how junior high is going and all that fun stuff. They were all excited because they want to "job shadow" me haha....we shall see about that one... haha.

In the pictures below, I am wearing the brightest yellow I have ever seen because the kids, EVERY DAY no exaggeration, remind me that I always wear black. It's true, I do seeem to wear black a today I wore super bright yellow just to see if they noticed. And of course, as soon as I walked in..."Miss Schooff!! You are wearing YELLOW!! wow!"
Anyway, I am SAD that it is over! SO sad. Back to BYU - up the hill every morning to BYU...and in the next few weeks, papers, projects, final reflection papers and FINALS! THEN....I'm DONE! And it feels GREAT to know I have a job awaiting me in the fall!
SPEAKING OF WHICH....They told me today that they are 98% positive it will be ..... drum roll please....2nd grade!!!!!!!!!! I am thrilled! I met one of the other 2nd grade teachers today and she was saying how they all love to work together and they are excited to have me on the team - acutally the 2nd grade teacher has a daughter who was in my 6th grade class, Sierra. :-) Anyway, I am BEYOND excited!!!
Here are a few more pictures of my Last Day in 6th Grade.