Thursday, March 26

6th Grade!

The last few weeks, I have been in a 6th grade classroom in Santequin - Orchard Hills. I have to admit that I was nervous and had no idea what to expect - but after this experience I can confidently say that I LOVE teaching, regardless of the age (2nd, 6th .... bring it ALL on, I love it!!). I love these kids, and I LOVE all that they can do! They are so smart and funny!
There is a kid named Ryan who looks just like Jayson - so cute. With the boys, I pretend that I am a super sports fan and I have them compeltely eating out of my hands haha. Really though, just a few simple things like telling them I am a Nuggets fan, or playing Knock-Out with them at recess - they think I am so cool - somehow haha. I have them fooled for sure.
Anyway, Tuesday will be my last day in the classroom, and then its back to BYU for a few weeks and then I'm DONE forever. Monday morning, I have my internship interview and I should know YES or NO by Tuesday if I will be teaching next year - and if its a YES, I will know the grade I'll be teaching and the school!!!! I am so excited!!!
We have been doing mosaics in 6th grade and I was amazed at how some of them are turning out - these kids are artistic!! I showed them pictures from when I went to Europe - all the buildings in Italy that were completely decorated in mosaics. They were amazed and got so excited to make their own. I bought each kid a little paper machee box and they drew their design and are filling it in with little mosaic squares. I thought they would hate it - because it take forever - but they are constantly saying, "Miss Schooff, can we work on our mosaics?" They love them and they love to show off their awesome work even more - they say, "Miss Schooff, will you show mine to the class?" And of course I do and say things like, "Look at MaKenzie's amazing fish - awesome!!" I'm just so glad they are so proud of their work!

Anyway, I'm going to take a nap - I am completely exhausted :-).

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