Wednesday, February 29

5 months

Dear Ava Sophia,

You turned five months old on February 29th. This month we saw a new little girl emerge! You've been checking off one milestone after the other on your to-do list. Some things you've done only a few times and decided that’s enough. Some things you do constantly.

Rolling from your tummy to your back was one of those things you only did a few times. I'm pretty sure you only did it to get us to stop talking about it. Mommy caught it on video once and that seemed to be it. You just don't like rolling that direction. And that's okay. :)

However, you DO seem to enjoy rolling from your back to your front. Even though it requires much more work, I think this makes more sense to you because it helps you reach your toys. Every time I put you down on the ground, the next time I look you are magically on your tummy. The problem is...once you're on your tummy you don't know what to do (see above). 

You started to sit at four months, and now you have perfected this skill. You like to sit and you do it well. Every once in a while you still topple over and at first you look so startled, but then you smile as if to say, "Let's do that again!"
You are noticing everything these days. You noticed things before, but now things are not just things anymore. Everything is something new to you. Everything is exciting. Everything must be touched, tasted, meticulously examined. You curiously touch every button, spoon, toy, phone, and finger you can get your hands on. You have become so squirmy as you stretch your little baby arms out and reach for everything in sight. I can tell we are going to be in trouble when you start crawling...I think you are going to be a very curious, on-the-go little girl. 

This month you had your first taste of rice cereal. You did great and didn't get too much on your face and bib. I think you liked the idea of eating from a spoon like Mommy and Daddy. But I'm not so sure you loved the taste of rice cereal. You made a funny face, but politely swallowed anyway. We are excited to give you new kinds of yummy food!

At the end of this month we wanted to help you kick your swaddle habit, so we planned an intervention. We set your arms free and tried sleep training. "They" say sleep training is important in order for you to learn to "self-soothe". They” are idiots. And they obviously haven’t met you. When you started to cry we had to wait three minutes before going to soothe you. When you cried again, we would increase the wait time by two more minutes before intervening. The first night it only took about twenty minutes for you to fall asleep. The next night you caught on to our operation, and that night Mom and Dad probably slept a total of one hour all night, in between you waking up every 30 minutes. I thought I was going to give up right then and there, but I stuck to it and told myself I was going to give it one more night. Thankfully, on that third night you did learn to sleep with your arms free and to soothe yourself to sleep. We have been a swaddleless household ever since. This is by far mine and your dad’s greatest accomplishment-to-date, besides, you know, creating life. It was hard, but so far it has been worth it! :) I feel so liberated knowing that I can just put you in your crib awake and that you will fall asleep on your own after a few minutes. Bid adieu to my aching back from rocking you all night long. :) 

You are also now officially sleeping in your very own crib. I was so nervous and sad to not have you sleeping next to me all night. But, I have to is the absolute cutest thing to see how small you look in your "big girl" crib. You've done great!

Some funny things we learned about you this month:
  • You love to sleep with a blanket OVER your face. This scares your mom to pieces and makes her google things about "babies sleeping with blankets," which she then loses great sleep over. So, she made you a tiny little blanket (which actually means she cut a square of soft fabric) that you can put over your face, but won't cause your mom to wake up 50 times a night to go check to make sure you are still breathing and not tangled up in your blanket. :) Phew.
  • Your dad is still the one who can make you laugh the most. He can make you laugh so hard and then when he passes you to me, I can do the exact same thing and get absolutely no reaction. I really don't blame you - Daddy makes me laugh, too. :)
  • You love to stick your tongue out in the wind, just like a puppy. You must think you are tasting the wind. 
  • You love to watch Baby Mozart and Elmo.
  • You are starting to recognize when you are being held by someone new. Usually you are okay with anyone holding you after you give them the stare down. But a few times, you have looked at the person holding you, then looked at us and burst into tears. We think it's the cutest thing. 
  • You are scared of the blender and of anyone singing in a low-pitched voice. 
  • You started chewing on your bottom lip recently.

You are wearing 3-6 month clothes and even some 6-9 month clothes are starting to fit. You just started wearing size 3 diapers today.

You weigh about 17 pounds and you are about 27 inches long. 

We had a fun month! Auntie Kait came to visit for 3 weeks this month and you had so much fun with her! You even took your first trip to the ocean. Next month is already looking fun with a trip to Southern California to see Grandma and Grandpa Webster, Uncle Blake and Aunt Maddie! Can't wait for some fun in the sun!

Here you are at 1, 2, 3 and 4 months:

And now 5 months:

This is really all she wanted to do during this photo shoot: 

We love you, our sweet Ava Bean! 

Tuesday, February 28

Sleepy baby

I don't know why, but Ava was SO sleepy tonight. 
Bryson was just holding her on his lap when we noticed she was asleep.
This was about an hour before bedtime, so we decided to just put her to bed early.

Sweet baby girl.

Thursday, February 23


Ava has added a new one to her list of funny sounds she can make.
This is her newest. 
She gurgles. 

And loudly, in true Ava fashion. :)

Tuesday, February 21

A request. (Or, a plea)

Dear Ava,

I love you. I love you. I love you. 
I love you with every fiber of my being.

I love you so much I will even let you sleep a little longer at night.
You don't need to wake up to hang out with Mommy as much.
Don't worry about me, I will be fine sleeping in my bed next to Daddy.
You can go on sleeping. 
Of course I'll miss you.
But I will see you in the morning. 
Sound like a plan?

Yeah, I didn't think so. 

Oh well, I still love you.
A lot.
See you tonight. 

Monday, February 20

Tidepools at Half Moon Bay

Bryson and I have loved exploring the Bay Area and look forward to every Saturday to see what we will do next. 
Yesterday, we asked some friends for some recommendations of some fun, inexpensive places in the area. 
One place they recommended was the tide pools at Half Moon Bay. 
So since Bryson had Presiden't Day off, we loaded up baby Ava and drove down the coast. 
It is always wonderful to put your feet in the ocean, even if it's freezing. :)
At a a beach called Moss Beach, when the tide is low, you can walk out on the rocks and find all kinds of sea life. 
We saw tons of crabs, starfish, sea anemones, fish, harbor seals and beautiful shells. 
We could have spent all day there, just exploring!

Ava loved it too. She was squealing almost the entire time. 
Eventually, that wore her out and she fell asleep. 

Another fun day in the books. 
Thanks Sarah and Brett for the recommendation! 

Sunday, February 19

Sitting so well

Ava loves to sit now. 
She does really well and can sit all by herself for a long time.
She loves it because she can look around and grab all her toys. 
She even knows how to balance herself when she is about to tip over. 
A lot of times, if I lay her on her back, she will cry until I sit her upright. 
Girl knows what she wants. :)

Wednesday, February 15

Rice Cereal

Tonight was Ava's first encounter with rice cereal. 
I'm under-exaggerating when I say that she liked it. 
She LOVED it!
She did pretty well, too. 
Not too messy for her first time ever eating rice cereal!

Tuesday, February 14

Happy Valentine's Day!

Today is Ava's first Valentine's Day!
She has learned that Valentine's Day brings cards and packages in the mail full of new clothes for baby, candy for Mom and Dad and (gasp!) even crisp 2 dollar bills! :)
Thank you to all our wonderful family who certainly spoiled us and our sweet baby girl! 
She has been wearing pink, red and white for the last week in preparation for today. 

Today she is wearing her cute ruffle skirt Nam made her.
She looks adorable!

She was all smiles!

Until she realized babies are too little to have Valentines. 
Thankfully, her Uncle Blake offered to be her Valentine this year. 
And that made her feel better. 
So, Ava's first Valentine was her Uncle Blake. 

On another note...
Ava is getting SO good at sitting up. 
Honestly, she is starting to get so antsy just laying down all the time. 
She always wants to be sitting or standing. 
She can't sit without me watching her constantly because she falls after a while.
Usually it's a face plant...
followed by screams.
"Help! Help!"

Happy Valentine's Day Ava bean bean!

Monday, February 13

Videos of the week

Here are some of our latest videos from our phones. 

This one made us laugh because she was constantly chewing on the Baby Bjorn and her chubby cheeks just looked so cute!

This video is showing how cuddly Ava is lately. She loves to just snuggle with Mommy. It makes my heart melt because she NEVER used to do this!

This is a video I took one night when Bryson was working late. It was a "Hurry home, we miss you" video. :)

We love this one because she has a cute little laugh. :)

This is Ava's #1 favorite toy right now.

And that's enough for now. :)

Sunday, February 12

Beach Bum

Today was Ava's first trip to the beach.
Of course, it wasn't what you might think when you hear "trip to the beach."
After all, it IS February. 
Instead of bathing suits and sunscreen,
we bundled Ava in her eskimo hat, baby mittens and warm sweatshirt. 
She LOVED looking around and feeling the wind against her soft chubby cheeks.
She was all smiles. 
I think we might have a future "fish."

Saturday, February 11

Need I Remind You?

Isn't it blatantly obvious that your parents are obsessed in love with you?

Thank you for bring so much JOY to our lives.

We are stopped several times a day by people telling us how beautiful you are.
From little kids to cute, wrinkly grandpas....people just can't get enough of you, sweet Ava.

Today an old Italian man stopped me and asked, "Ohh, can I say hi?" 
And he went on and on about how cute you are. 
As he was leaving, he said, "Oh, just kill me now. I am in love."

I often catch people staring and pointing at you.
Smiling and then giggling and "ohh-ing" and "aww-ing" when you smile back. 

You have charmed many, MANY people. 

How in the world did your Daddy and I get so darn lucky?

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