Saturday, January 12

15 {and a half} months

I didn't post anything when Ava turned 15 months because we were in Virginia. But I just want to take a minute to record the new things she has learned in the last month (and a half, now that she is 15.5 months). 

Words she knows as of today (pink ones are new words this month):
ball, bubble, up, apple (she now says it the correct way instead of appie), cool, Elmo, baby, no, grandpa (says poppy), grandma (says mama) while signing grandma, ouch, milk (mee), paci (pappy), cracker, shoes, mama, hi, bye, thank you, more, uh oh, wow, cheese, book

Words she is learning/can kind of say:
Cake, water (wawa)

These are the words she can sign: 
napmilk, drink, mama, daddy, up, ball, banana, cracker, fish, bath, tree, ball, potty, more, grandpa, cat, baby, all done, eat, cookie, juice, one, bird

Body Parts she knows:
She knows where her nose, eyes, ears, belly button, toes and hair are.

Things she loves:
Loves playing with my hair (no idea why), plays "puppies" and crawls around on the floor barking, loves her baby doll and taking it for walks in the stroller, loves to put her "make up" on, LOVES to dance

Random things:
*She knows the difference now between a cat and a dog and barks or meows while signing "cat" or "dog" appropriately.
*She is extremely social and loves to wave and talk to any and everyone everywhere we go. (I get stopped multiple times in every store we are in and told "She is the friendliest little thing.")
*For a little while (maybe a week) in December she only took 1 nap, but now she is back to 2 naps a day (one at 11 and one at 3).
*She went through a "Mommy phase" while we were in CO and VA and would only let me hold her.
*She has 12 teeth (6 on top and 6 on the bottom).
*If we say "Show me your muscles" she will "flex" her muscles.

I keep telling Bryson that just within the last week or so, she suddenly seems a little older - a little more independent, a little more aware, a little better at repeating and learning new words...just a little older, and I'm actually enjoying it a lot.

She's my sweet, sweet girl and I couldn't love her more.

Here are some videos of Ava dancing to her favorite, favorite song. I know I post a lot of her dancing to this song, I just can't get over how hilarious it is that she LOVES this song. I will play other songs and she will dance, but it definitely doesn't get the same reaction as her favorite song. You'll see what I mean in the last video. Every.single.time I play this song, she goes NUTS. And if I stop it, she asks for "moooorrrre." (I know these are long videos, sorry!)

Alright, who's sick of that song yet?

And here's one of her saying the most dreaded word: no (sounds like "now") haha.

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