Thursday, April 17

2 years old

I can't even tell you how many temper tantrums I endured, put up with, suffered through, (ahem) witnessed today. In multiple stores, while loading the kids into their car seats, while going into the gym, while leaving the gym. Many objects were thrown out of defiance and then not a moment later, defiance turned into absolute hysterics of wanting it back. 

Yep, I am currently raising a two year old. 

I wish I could say these moments were few and far between, but they are more common than I care to admit. I have learned to completely ignore the "kind, sweet" old lady at the store, asking on endless repeat, "Is she okay? Is she hurt?" (No lady, haven't you ever seen a toddler throw a conniption fit because she doesn't want to sit in the cart? Or maybe the fact that she's screaming "No cart! No cart! would give you a clue.) I've learned to carry on lovingly and then praise the heck outta her when she decides to finally make a "happy choice." And I've learned that this little tiny person who is just *two* simply wants to be understood. 

And although these moments are frustratingly painful at times (and often drive me to shove massive amounts of chocolate in my mouth), I really still LOVE everything about this little girl, every moment I get to spend with her. She surprises me constantly by how smart she is, how sweet she can be to her little brother, how much she absorbs things and picks up details of the world around her, how excited she gets about the tiniest of things. She is growing up before my very eyes and there is nothing I can do about it.

So, in those moments of chaos and flailing arms and legs...I have learned to stop and scoop her up and just hug her. Because I love her. And I'm trying to understand her. And it's when she wraps her little arms around my neck, hugs me back and through whimpers and remnants of tears says, "I sorry Momma, I wuv you," - that's when I know she knows. 

She knows I just love her.
And that's all that really matters.
And then there's this guy. 

This little face makes my heart just melt about 572 times a day. 
Go ahead, swoon. (haha) :)

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