Thursday, April 2

My Version of "OUR" Story..

Pictures from over the years...

Those were all from our senior year of high school I think...

Ashley's Version of "Us"...

We were both 14 at a church dance the first time we met. Bryson had yellow bleached blonde hair and I was, an awkward middle school stage at its finest. We became friends and even took the step to get each other's AIM screen names. We were in different stakes, different schools...our lives never overlapped unless it was at a church dance.
Eventually, when we were both 16, Bryson asked me out. I remember our first date clearly - we went to see Duplex with two of our friends. Bryson thought I was flirting with the other guy the whole time...but I wasn' least I wasn't doing it on purpose. I remember going home that night thinking I was so "in like" with that little 14-year old boy from the church dance. Kaitlyn even got out my "LIST" that all girls make in Young Womens - the list of your "perfect guy." I remember Bryson fit every bullet point, and he even wanted to possibly be a dentist (not anymore, which is fine with me - way too much schooling :-). We giggled and thought that he could be the "one." IF only we had known.
From that date on, we were inseperable. All of our friends eventually stopped calling because they knew we would already be busy with each other. It took 3 months until either of us got up the courage to have our first kiss...even though I guess Bryson went in for the "almost kill" a couple times (so I guess I was the nervous one haha). All through high school, Bryson proved to be the perfect boyfriend...he would leave me notes or flowers on my car during seminary, he would bring me Jamba Juice on Saturday mornings, he always did amazing things for my birthdays and holidays. I remember going to all his varsity soccer games wearing a shirt that said "Goal Bryson, Goal!" We went to homecomings and proms together, we took the ACT together, graduated from high school on the same day, applied to college together, and then waited for our acceptance letters together.
We were both accepted to BYU to start the fall of 2005. That August, we caravaned out to Utah and started our freshman year at BYU living at Helaman Halls - I was in Chipman and he was in Merril. That year, we were not offcially boyfriend/girlfriend - mostly becuase we knew he was leaving on his mission in a few months. But we still did a lot together - went to football games, went on dates to Costa Vida and the bowling alley, and even took a random trip home on the Greyhound to surprise my family. I would always encourage him to go on dates with other girls, but he would always assure me, "You are the only girl I want to spend my time with." He would constantly remind me, "Ash, I just want you to know without a question that I love you so much - that when I'm gone you have no reason to second guess my love for you." He probably does not remember saying this - but this statement stuck in my head for the next two years. We finished up that year and headed back to Colorado together for the summer.
In May Bryson got his mission call to Long Beach, California. I was SO unbeliveably excited for him and I knew without a doubt that he would be the best missionary! I had applied to BYU-Hawaii and was headed out there to do my sophomore year of college. The day that he left in August to go into the MTC is one that I will never forget - mostly because I made a fool of myself. I thought I could hold myself together - I had known from the moment I met him, everyday for those last 3 years I had KNOWN this day would come, but I still wasn't ready to let him go. I had seen him almost every day for the last 3 years, he was my #1 best friend - and I knew I would miss him so much. Needless to say, I cried. Now when I say "I cried," I don't mean like a sweet little tear running down my cheek - no, nooo...I mean a full on body-shaking sob. Actually, it was me AND his little sister, Maddy - she was my crying buddy that day - remember Maddy? :-) Anway, he walked me to my car to say goodbye and at that point he was already set apart, so he couldn't come within feet of me. We just stood there, me crying and him (well I don't know what he was doing haha - probably holding back from laughing haha)...and his dad yells from across the coldesac - "You can give her a hug." So, one last, big bear hug and he was off.
And he WAS a great, no AMAZING missionary. And he contined to prove his love - not one week went by without a 2-page letter from Elder Webster.
In the mean time, I was in Hawaii living the dream, came back to Provo, started the Elementary Education program and ... waited. Or, kind of waited. I dated through those 2 years, but (even ask my cousin and best friend Karley) no one even came close to Bryson. He was "Unforgettable."
SO, two years went by and he came home in August 2008. Things were weird and a little rocky at first - both of us were nervous and needed to make sure we were 100% before jumping into things. Before he got home people were predicting a "December wedding," so we had to keep reminding ourselves - no pressure! :-) For a while, it seemed that when I was ready, he wasn't, and when he was ready, I wasn't - we could never seem to get on the same page. Finally, we, or acutally after Bryson's eventual "ultimatium" to us both, decided that it doesn't get much better than this and, well, here we are! :-)
I am IN LOVE with this amazing, talented, smart, funny, hard-working, kind, caring, optimistic, positive, happy, incredible, spiritual, honest, faithful....and GOOD LOOKING :-) .... man! He is the love of my life and I am the luckiest girl in the world to get to marry him and be his wifey! He will be an amazing husband and father!
loveeeeeeeeeeeee you!!! :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok, um, I had heard a brief story before, but this is pretty much incredible. End of story- love it!

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