Sunday, April 28

Ava {19 months}

I decided to keep writing monthly posts about both of my kids so I can print the posts into a book at the end of the year.
Ava is still changing so much each month, I want to write it all down so I can remember.
So, here is Ava's 19 month post. :)

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Words she knows as of today (GREEN ones are new words this month):
keys, sit, achoo, look, hat, kick, stick, Auntie, puppy, elbow, banana (nana), walk, eyes, hot, yeah, play (pay), swing (wee), cup, buckle up (buka uh), bubble gum (bubba guh), apple juice, happy birthday (appie day), cupcake, goodnight (nye nye), oh cute (ohhh toote), moon, bow, ouch, cookie, all done, water, happy, moo, baa, thank you, truck, duck/quack (same thing right now) car, balloon (boon), cake, please (meese), flower (wow-wee), belly (buh-bee), clicker, cup, oh no, ball, bubble, up, apple, cool, Elmo, baby, no, grandpa (says poppy), grandma (says mama), ow/owie, milk (muk), paci (she actually calls it mammy), cracker, shoes, dada, mama, hi, bye, more, uh oh, wow, cheese, book

  • Has started putting two words together ("Hi baby," "Hi mama," "Hi flowers" etc)
  • New body parts she knows: knee, tongue, elbow, fingernail, toenails 
  • Says "Tickle, tickle, tickle" as she tries to tickle you
  • If we say "Be soft," she will gently rub your arm or cheek.
  • My favorite thing that she says right now is "yeah." We will ask her, "Ava do you want to go play outside," and she answers, "Yeah!" in the cutest little way. 
  • She loves for me to blowdry her hair and she pretends to put on her makeup when I am putting mine on. She also pretends to shave under her arms (obviously she has seen me do it a few times hahaha). You never know what they are watching you do until you see them do it themselves haha. 
  • Whenever we drive past some of our "usual spots," she recognizes them. For example, when we drive past the park or even get close to the parking lot, she starts clapping and shouting "Play! Play!" Or, (and yes, I am embarrassed and slightly ashamed to admit this) if we are driving past Taco Bell, she will start signing "eat" and will shout "Cup!" (because if we go through the Taco Bell drive-thru, I always get her a cup of water). 
  • Her favorite movie is the Lorax - she gets sooooo excited when it comes on and is glued to the screen the entire time. 
  • Her Auntie Kait came this month for a few days and Ava absolutely ADORED her. She quickly learned how to say "Aye-tee" (Auntie) and followed her around like a little shadow the entire time. The day Kaitlyn left, Ava walked around the house saying "Aye tee" over and over and over, trying to find her Auntie.
  • She LOVES flowers right now - everywhere we go, she points out the "wow wees," and (unfortunately) she picks the flowers we have planted every chance she gets. 
  • She now goes to nursery and she literally SPRINTS for the door as soon as we get to church. She runs right in the room and doesn't look back and could care less if I'm there or not. Her nursery leaders said she is definitely the "leader," and she makes everyone "happy" because she tries to cheer up the kids who are sad. Last Sunday, Bryson and I peeked in on her and my heart had a major pitter-pat moment watching her listening (or not listening haha) to her teacher and learning about Jesus and eating her snack. When I went to pick her up after church, the second she saw me, she ran into my arms and gave me a big hug. Gosh I LOVE that girl! 
  • Most people who know her and spend time with her say she is a happy and fun little girl and that she is funny - a lot of people say that she makes them laugh. She definitely has a spunky, boisterous personality. She loves to laugh, smile, dance, and sing and she gets excited easily. She is very social and loves meeting new people and playing with kids of all ages. 
  • She also is tender-hearted and loves to give hugs and kisses, and she especially likes to try to cheer people up when they are sad (including Gavin) by smiling big, rubbing their head and saying "Hi" right in their face.
  • Overall, this month I have really noticed that she is starting to understand much more. If she is upset, I will sit her down and explain to her why she can't do certain things or I will tell her what I expect from her or what I need her to do to help me...and she just "gets it" much, much more than ever before. I have noticed if I give her a choice, it works better than if I just say "no," to something. For example, if she is being "naughty" and running around outside instead of getting in her car seat, I will say, "Ava, you can either get in your car seat so we can go byebye or we can go inside and be all done." I will see the little wheels in her head turning, and most of the time, she will make the right choice and come get in her car seat (or whatever else). Then, since she made a good choice, I can praise her and that way she feels proud of herself for doing the right thing. (Of course, sometimes it doesn't go that smoothly haha).
Here are some pictures from this month:
All dressed up for nursery. :)
She's all ready for summer in her new swimsuit and sandals. :)
Ava got 2 HUGE splinters (or slivers as Bryson calls them) one night. There was MUCH drama and many, many tears shed in the effort to get them out! So sad!  She still comes to me, holds her hand out and says "Owies" until I kiss it better. 
We went to the Oakland Zoo with Auntie Kait.
Ava pet the goats...for about 10 seconds and then got bored haha.
Oakland Zoo with Momma.
Ava ADORES her Auntie Kait.
She followed her Aye-tee everywhere!
First Ikea ice cream cone. 
We learned this month that Ava HATES laying in the grass haha.
Her baby brother was blessed this month.
More sweet moments with Auntie Kait. (Somehow, Ava and Kaitlyn coordinated every day while she was here haha)
We LOVE our sweet Ava.
This month we also introduced "Time Out." :(

Ava went car shopping this month and loved climbing in all the new cars. She was so excited to drive home in our new MINIVAN! haha

Well, another month has come and gone faster than a blink of an eye - I can't believe it's already almost MAY. I sure do love my sweet Ava - she brightens my days with her beautiful smile and her very curious nature. I just love watching her learn and grow. 

Until next month. :)

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