Saturday, April 6

Gavin {1 Month}

My dear sweet Gavin,

You turned one month on April 6th.
I read something recently that said a baby is only a "newborn" for the first month...
...excuse me, what?
I refuse to believe that one very short month goes by and suddenly my baby is no longer a newborn.

But as much as I don't want to admit, you have changed SO much already.
You are definitely getting much chubbier and you are awake more during the day.
You are growing, growing, growing right before my very eyes.

Here are some pictures of you, my sweet boy.

Of course your big sister, Ava wanted in on the picture-taking action, too.
These days, as soon as I pull out my camera she says, "Cheeeeeeese" and grins from ear to ear.
(But getting her to actually look at the camera or sit still for more than five seconds is next to impossible.)
She sure does love you and I know she will teach you so much about the world. :)


These are some of the highlights of your first month:
  • Grandma Webster came to visit and help when you were a few days old. She stayed for 2 weeks and took such good care of us! She gave you your first several baths, which you hated at first, but learned quickly to love them. :)
  • Grandpa Schooff arrived the day after Grandma Webster left. He stayed for almost one week and loved getting to know you and holding you for hours on end. While he was here, Grandpa stayed with Ava while you went with Mom and Dad to a play in Oakland. You were absolutely perfect and slept through the entire thing!
  • You had your first Easter on March 31st. We dressed you up in the cutest button-up shirt and dressy pants and a vest. You looked so handsome. :)
  • We took you to church for the first time when you were 4 weeks old. You slept the entire time in your car seat - what a great boy!

Things to remember:
  • Newborn clothes are starting to get too small for you (you are just so tall). But 0-3 month clothes are still too big. You are still in newborn diapers.
  • You eat every 3 hours. You are awake for about 20 minutes after eating and then you go to sleep for a couple hours until you are hungry again.
  • You are the "gruntiest" baby - constantly grunting in you sleep, trying to get comfortable. You make the cutest little squeaks in your sleep as well.
  • You LOVE your car seat, LOVE to be swaddled and LOVE the vibration on your bouncy seat.
  • You can hold your head up well and you are starting to smile.
  • You don't cry hardly at all - unless you are very, very hungry. Even then, you are easily comforted and soothed.

Well little guy, we absolutely LOVE you.
Somehow I fall deeper and deeper in love with you every day.
I love watching you slowly discovering the world around you.
I already can't imagine my life without you in it.
We are so blessed to have you in our family!

Love always,
Momma :)


Unknown said...

He really does look so much bigger in the last photos than in real life. You are so incredibly lucky to have such a good baby!!

jschooff said...

I love to see the wonderful pictures and read the stories about those special little ones. You are truly a gift to me in letting us know, from a distance, our little ones. Thank you so very much. Nam

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