Wednesday, March 2


I am feeling so incredibly disappointed by this whole Brandon Davies thing. I have been reading comments made by people throughout the country who are basically saying that BYU is stupid and old fashioned for holding to its values and standards.

Here are some comments that disappointed me:

  • Wow, BYU's honor code is RE-DONK!!
  • Cmon BYU - Booting one of your Stars off the basketball team for having consensual premarital sex with his girlfriend???? This is the 21st century.
  • Dude gets kicked off the basketball team for having sex with his misses. They're reviewing if he should be kicked from the school. WOW!
  • A BYU basketball player was kicked off the team for having sex....with his GIRLFRIEND. Man, sign me up for the Church of Latter Day Saints. It sounds awesome! Can't wait until the Mormons take over.
  • wow byu, wow. I thought the year was 2011, not 1811. One more reason to laugh at mormons.
  • BYU is the equivalent of hell for normal college students

Thankfully there are comments out there like this as well:

  • Tough loss tonight, but respectable. This is one of the few schools that emphasizes morals over athletic ability...
But of course, those are few and far between.

I really liked what this ESPN writer had to say and especially his final line. He said,

"The two empty basketball shoes belonging to Brandon Davies will not be filled easily in the crucial games to come for the Cougars. A dream season may crumble as a result.

But BYU isn't willing to subordinate its principles for victories. That's a rare stance these days, and a respectable one."

Read the rest of what he said here.

Really, I am saddened by the whole thing. What is the world coming to? Are there ANY standards or HOPE for righteousness, purity and virtue in this world? Morality has become something to be mocked. BYU has an honor code and if you come to BYU, you sign it and agree to live by it. Please, please just do us all a favor and DON'T come to by BYU if you are not going to live by the honor code. I have come to know of too many people who almost pridefully break the honor code in big ways, even when they BELIEVE that following the honor code is the correct way to live your life.

I also really enjoyed this ESPN discussion where they called BYU's honor code refreshing. The said that at the end of the day, BYU knows it's not about winning a game, it's about teaching these boys to be good men.

In a world so plagued by evil and absent of standards and morals, I am proud to say I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and I follow (and have followed my whole life) the standards outlined in the BYU honor code. It's has been a blessing in my life and has brought me GREAT joy.

I apologize for this "rant" but I needed to get this off my chest. :)

And on that note....GOOoooooOO COUGARS!!

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