Monday, March 14

No one told me...but then again, everyone did

You hear your entire life of "morning sickness," of "peeing every 10 minutes" and of "pregnancy cravings," - but I guess I thought they were myths. Or at least that I would be magically immune to them haha. Here is what I have learned in just a few short months of being prego:

1. Morning sickness is actually "ALL DAY" sickness. You feel sick when you first get up because you're stomach is empty. You feel sick after you eat because your stomach is too full or you ate too fast. You feel sick when you smell ANY kind of meat (even typing the word meat makes me gag haha). You get way more face-time with the toilet bowl than at any other time in your life. BUT, you say a little prayer of thanks every time you feel queasy, every time you run to the bathroom for round 3, and every time you curse those prenatal vitamins for making you even sicker than usual...because that means that everything is still going strongly and you still have a little babe growing inside you. :) :)

2. You don't have to have a huge pregnant belly to have to pee (sorry, TMI? haha) every 20-30 minutes. Holy cow - this is something I did NOT expect this early on. I don't even drink in between trips to the bathroom and it's still a full bladder. And don't get me started on how many times I wake up throughout the night! It's hilarious! :)  How? I don't get this! haha BUT, makes me grateful because it means something inside me is growing, growing, growing and squishing all my insides together. :)

3. Being pregnant is a beautiful, wonderful, amazing miracle...but it's scary too. As soon as people find out you are prego, they tell you any and every scary, horror story that they have ever heard in their lives. Google is a great tool, but can be sooo overwhelmingly scary because I type in ANYTHING and up pops the millions of horror stories. This process so far has taught me to have faith and has taught me exactly how much I LOVE this little babe on the way! :)

We could NOT be more excited! I am LOVING this journey so far and pray and pray all the time that things will continue to go smoothly! :) :) 


Elise said...

I'm so sorry that you've been so sick! That must be extra hard since you're teaching as well. But you are exactly right... even though you're sick, it just means that your baby is growing up healthy and strong. I'm so excited for you! Keep a journal of your pregnancy... it's fun to go back and read about each appointment, each new stage, etc. It's such an amazing time in a woman's life.

Kelli @ writing the waves said...

Ashley!!! I didn't know you had a blog until just now (yay!) - and I didn't know you were prego either. Super YAY!!! Congrats!!!!

And what is it with the horror stories? Especially if you are first time mom - thanks, but no thanks! I didn't really need to hear that. :) Sorry for the yuckiness - but you are right - it is more than worth it. I couldn't do the prenatals since I was so sick - had to take two Flintstone vitamins a day. :) And I found with my 2nd pregnancy, if I made sure to eat every two hours and never let my stomach get empty that helped. And no saltines!!! ugh! Something with protein sat much better with me.

Hopefully, this phase will pass soon and you'll be feeling much better. So happy for you!!! HUGS! :)

Kate Challis said...

just found your blog from fb - congrats on the pregnancy!

TOTALLY know what you mean about people hearing that you're prego and then taking that to mean, "Please tell me your horror stories! I'm dying to hear them!" haha. I would share with you more specifically what happened when I was prego with Jane, but I know from experience that it was not useful in the slightest, and only served to freak me out.

So congrats! visit my blog if you feel like it:

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