Tuesday, October 30

Pumpkin Patch

While Kaitlyn was here, we took Ava to a pumpkin patch and let her pick out a pumpkin. 
Of course, Ava had no idea what was going on, but she LOVED running around and picking up the little "Ava-sized" pumpkins. She sorted through the many pumpkins and found her favorite and carried it around constantly for the rest of the time we were there. Auntie got her this cute little festive outfit and she looked so cute running around in her little black and orange. Her favorite part was the little play area (which was free for kids 12 months and under - thank you Ava for being 12 months still for a few days). She ran through the hay mazes, climbed through the tunnels, played bean bags and played in the big pools of beans. Yes, that's right - beans. There were 3 kiddie size swimming pools full of dried lima beans where kids can jump and play in. Ava thought it was hilarious and loved wading through all the beans. By the time we were done and took Ava to the car, she was asleep within minutes - she was worn out! Kaitlyn bought Ava her little pumpkin and once we got home, we put it on top of our entertainment center. She has seriously created her own word for "pumpkin," and is constantly pointing up to her pumpkin saying "shoo-wee" until we get it down for her to play with. 

What a fun day with two of my favorite girlies! :)
Happy Halloween! 

1 comment:

Adri and Russ Lee said...

Ava seriously seems like she's 6 months older than Sophia. When I was reading this, Sophia was being clingy and crying, but when I turned on the video, she got silent and watched Ava. haha So, thanks Ava for saving the day.

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