Wednesday, November 7

Chair climbing

I've been wanting to buy Ava a little table and chairs for a while now since the only "chairs" we have in our apartment are stools - no way Ava can sit on those. I wanted her to have a place to sit and eat and to color (I'm trying to teach her how to color haha) and really, just to learn how to sit in a chair haha. I didn't want to spend a lot of money, so I have been looking on Craigslist, but I hadn't found anything. Then I came across a table from Ikea for $20 and thought it was perfect. So, today Ava and I drove to Emeryville and bought this little table and chairs from Ikea. When we got home, we put it together and now Ava has a little tiny table and chairs all to herself. It was so cute watching her watch me put the table together. She would crouch down and watch me use the allen wrench to screw in the screws. Then, she would take the allen wrench herself and stick it in the hole of the screw and try to turn it. How cute that she "got it" - she watched me do it and then she tried to copy it. 

As you can see from the picture below, Ava was very excited to be at Ikea haha.

As soon as I put the table together, she knew exactly what to do...

And then, she figured out how to do this...
And I couldn't help but grab the camera before I taught her not to climb on the chairs. 
Enjoy my moment of bad parenting. :/ haha

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