Friday, November 2

I'm Thankful For {Day 1}

I'm Thankful For My Husband. :)

How could I start a month of expressing my gratitude without saying how much I am thankful for my wonderful husband? I know, without a doubt, I do not show or express my gratitude nearly as much as I should. I find myself sometimes taking for granted how great he is...until it hits me like a ton of bricks yet again just how wonderful a husband, father, and best friend he is. 

Bryson is the kind of husband who gets up from the couch to get a bottle of lotion so he can rub my feet - without being asked. He washes the dishes and cleans the kitchen every night after dinner. Bryson always, always, always makes me feel and tells me I am beautiful - even when he comes home and I am still in my pajamas and I don't have a stitch of makeup on. He tells me I am a good mom. He hugs me and tells me all the time that the loves me.

He is the kind of father who woke up with me every single night for months after Ava was born to change her diaper, swaddle her nice and tight and bring her to me so I can feed her (he still gets up with her at night if when she is teething or sick). He wakes up with Ava on Saturday mornings and takes her on "daddy-daughter dates" just so I can sleep in - even though he is the one that wakes up early and leaves for work while I am still sleeping soundly every day of the week. I never knew just how much I loved Bryson until I saw how much he ADORES Ava. I always knew he would be a good dad, but he is better than a "good" dad - he is an incredible father who loves his little girl more than I knew possible. What a lucky girl Ava is to have him as her Daddy.

I honestly could go on and on...and on and on. I wonder all the time how other girls do it...without husbands who help and who are as "hands-on" as Bryson is. He is wonderful and I know I don't deserve him in the least bit, but thankfully I tricked him a long time ago and now he is stuck with me for good. :)

Love you honey bunches! Thanks for ALL you do for me, for Ava and for our soon-to-be son! 

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