Monday, November 5


It is so fun and HILARIOUS to watch Ava learning new things. 
Like just the other night, we were leaving someone's house and we said "Thank you!" and she smiled and proudly said "Tay Tay!" Of course she isn't saying thank you, but she is trying to say it - and it is just so cute! Now whenever I'm at the grocery store, for example, and say "thank you," you can rest assured Ava will chime in with a nice, loud "Tay tay!" 

She is talking and using baby sign language more and more to communicate but it is becoming harder and harder to get her to do it "on cue" and catch it on camera because she just isn't interested in performing, I guess haha. If I say, "say cheese," she will sometimes say it...but if I am feeding her a piece of cheese she will say cheese nonstop. When I am putting on her shoes, she says shoes over and over (shee), but if I ask her to say shoes randomly, she just runs the other way haha.
I work with her every day to teach her new words both orally and by signing and she picks words up so quickly now...I never know what she will learn next.  Here are a few little videos of some of the things she can say. I know I am so annoying in these because I am trying so hard to get her to perform. She sure knows how to act silly when the camera comes on, as you will see in some of the videos. 

Things she knows in this video: "hi" "bye = said very loudly, sounds like eye and always accompanied by a wave" "uh oh" "woah" "shoes" "thank you = tay tay" signing: more, milk, eat, cat, baby

Things she says in this video: "hi," "shoes = shee," "cheese." After that, it's boring haha. 

Signs she knows in this video: Daddy, Momma (this is her being silly and loud)

Anyway, I just thought it was cute. You can also tell she is very high energy, always on the go go go. I love my sweet girl - she is so fun! 

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