Monday, March 28

15 weeks

I am sooo ready to actually look pregnant haha. Right now, I really just look fat (as you can see from below). :) :) This picture makes me look even more pregnant than usual though because I had just drank a huge glass of water and eaten like 4 orange rolls haha. At my last doctor's appointment, I had gained 1 will be interesting to see how much weight I have gained this month! :)

I have been feeling SO much better and I haven't been nauseous in about a week! It makes a HUGE difference! I am still feeling SO incredibly exhausted and I sleep A LOT! :) I've been having crazy, intense and vivid dreams lately and I wake up every morning with a great story! haha. Love love love this pregnancy stuff! :) :) :)

With love,


Sunday, March 27


One of my favorite things about Paris were the crepes. Carts on the sidewalks sold crepes of all flavors from chocolate banana to ham, egg and swiss. In Paris, they are bigger than you ever think you could eat. They stuff your desired ingredients inside, fold it up and wrap it up in paper. I must admit, I ate a crepe any and every chance I got. This will show you how they make crepes in Paris (I don't know who these people are, I just found it on youtube haha).

My family has always loved making crepes. Of course, they are not comparable to the crepes in Paris, but I LOVE the "Schooff Family" crepes for different reasons. I love the simplicity of the ingredients, and how quick and easy they are to make. I LOVE that you can stuff them full of the most delicious things and make so many different combinations. 

The other day, Kaitlyn, Bryson and I decided to make crepes. We put Bryson to work slicing the bananas and getting all the other toppings out, I cut the strawberries helped make the crepe batter and Kaitlyn was chef of the day as she poured and flipped each crepe to perfection.

Our favorite combination of the day were banana, nutella, powdered sugar and whipped cream.

With love,


Wednesday, March 16

Ready or Not...

I am ready.

Ready to know what the plan is for our family . . .

I am learning to be patient, but sometimes I just want to know already! haha

It's so hard to wait and wait and wait.

I remember a blog post about this EXACT same thing last year around this EXACT same time. Wanna refresher? Look here.

And I'm hoping soon for a blog post similar to this.

Time will tell! :) :) :)

With love,


Monday, March 14

No one told me...but then again, everyone did

You hear your entire life of "morning sickness," of "peeing every 10 minutes" and of "pregnancy cravings," - but I guess I thought they were myths. Or at least that I would be magically immune to them haha. Here is what I have learned in just a few short months of being prego:

1. Morning sickness is actually "ALL DAY" sickness. You feel sick when you first get up because you're stomach is empty. You feel sick after you eat because your stomach is too full or you ate too fast. You feel sick when you smell ANY kind of meat (even typing the word meat makes me gag haha). You get way more face-time with the toilet bowl than at any other time in your life. BUT, you say a little prayer of thanks every time you feel queasy, every time you run to the bathroom for round 3, and every time you curse those prenatal vitamins for making you even sicker than usual...because that means that everything is still going strongly and you still have a little babe growing inside you. :) :)

2. You don't have to have a huge pregnant belly to have to pee (sorry, TMI? haha) every 20-30 minutes. Holy cow - this is something I did NOT expect this early on. I don't even drink in between trips to the bathroom and it's still a full bladder. And don't get me started on how many times I wake up throughout the night! It's hilarious! :)  How? I don't get this! haha BUT, makes me grateful because it means something inside me is growing, growing, growing and squishing all my insides together. :)

3. Being pregnant is a beautiful, wonderful, amazing miracle...but it's scary too. As soon as people find out you are prego, they tell you any and every scary, horror story that they have ever heard in their lives. Google is a great tool, but can be sooo overwhelmingly scary because I type in ANYTHING and up pops the millions of horror stories. This process so far has taught me to have faith and has taught me exactly how much I LOVE this little babe on the way! :)

We could NOT be more excited! I am LOVING this journey so far and pray and pray all the time that things will continue to go smoothly! :) :) 

MVH...Most Valuable Husband

That's husband just officially won Most Valuable Husband award of the year. :)



Me: "Oh man, we're out of milk. I was really craving a glass of milk before bed."
Bryson: "Oh . . . yeah."

2 hours later (aka MIDNIGHT, which means it is no longer Sunday, but now Monday)

Bryson walking into the bedroom: "Honey, have you seen my shoes?"

Me: "No, where are you going?"

Bryson: "I'm running to the store to buy you some milk."

Audience and readers: "awwwwwwwww!"


I know, I know. I told you. :)

With love,


Wednesday, March 9

A and B and a Baby Make 3!

We are happy to finally announce that we are going to have a baby! I am 12 weeks along, due the middle of September! We're so excited!

Not really much to see now, but it will be fun to watch it grow. Right now I feel like I just look like I've eaten too many cookies and I've gained some Lbs in the tummy region. :) I will be excited when it actually looks like a real baby bump. :) We shall see.

We already love our little "bebe." We were even able to hear the heartbeat! I was so nervous that we wouldn't hear it, but we did! It's nice and strong! It is CRAZY to think that there is a little tiny human in there - with a HEARTBEAT!! What the heck?! :) Life is seriously wonderful!

With love,



My sister posted recently about her 3 favorite songs and I just have to repost this song that I absolutely love! I could listen to this song over and over and over.

Disappear by The Gabe Dixon Band

Saturday, March 5


Behold, the power of my new camera and a little bit of editing. :) But...the subject made it pretty easy. :)

Friday, March 4

Miss Kaitlyn

Miss Kaitlyn visited 2nd grade today! My class LOVES her. She brought her "friends" and taught us all about keeping your teeth clean and healthy. Then, she stayed for the rest of the day. :) They could NOT have been happier that "Miss Kaitlyn" was there all day! They sure do LOVE her - and for good reason!

Thanks "Miss Kaitlyn" haha. :) :) Sure love ya!

Wednesday, March 2


I am feeling so incredibly disappointed by this whole Brandon Davies thing. I have been reading comments made by people throughout the country who are basically saying that BYU is stupid and old fashioned for holding to its values and standards.

Here are some comments that disappointed me:

  • Wow, BYU's honor code is RE-DONK!!
  • Cmon BYU - Booting one of your Stars off the basketball team for having consensual premarital sex with his girlfriend???? This is the 21st century.
  • Dude gets kicked off the basketball team for having sex with his misses. They're reviewing if he should be kicked from the school. WOW!
  • A BYU basketball player was kicked off the team for having sex....with his GIRLFRIEND. Man, sign me up for the Church of Latter Day Saints. It sounds awesome! Can't wait until the Mormons take over.
  • wow byu, wow. I thought the year was 2011, not 1811. One more reason to laugh at mormons.
  • BYU is the equivalent of hell for normal college students

Thankfully there are comments out there like this as well:

  • Tough loss tonight, but respectable. This is one of the few schools that emphasizes morals over athletic ability...
But of course, those are few and far between.

I really liked what this ESPN writer had to say and especially his final line. He said,

"The two empty basketball shoes belonging to Brandon Davies will not be filled easily in the crucial games to come for the Cougars. A dream season may crumble as a result.

But BYU isn't willing to subordinate its principles for victories. That's a rare stance these days, and a respectable one."

Read the rest of what he said here.

Really, I am saddened by the whole thing. What is the world coming to? Are there ANY standards or HOPE for righteousness, purity and virtue in this world? Morality has become something to be mocked. BYU has an honor code and if you come to BYU, you sign it and agree to live by it. Please, please just do us all a favor and DON'T come to by BYU if you are not going to live by the honor code. I have come to know of too many people who almost pridefully break the honor code in big ways, even when they BELIEVE that following the honor code is the correct way to live your life.

I also really enjoyed this ESPN discussion where they called BYU's honor code refreshing. The said that at the end of the day, BYU knows it's not about winning a game, it's about teaching these boys to be good men.

In a world so plagued by evil and absent of standards and morals, I am proud to say I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and I follow (and have followed my whole life) the standards outlined in the BYU honor code. It's has been a blessing in my life and has brought me GREAT joy.

I apologize for this "rant" but I needed to get this off my chest. :)

And on that note....GOOoooooOO COUGARS!!

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