Monday, July 11

30 weeks

So I am officially 30 weeks...10 weeks to go! Sometimes I feel like that will go by so fast, but most of the time I feel like it is too far away! I have all the little baby clothes hanging in the closet and now I just want to put them on her! :)

So far, the third trimester has reminded me of the first trimester in a couple ways:

  1. I am tired ALL the time.
  2. I am constantly hungry (which makes me grumpy haha) but NOTHING sounds good to eat. Ever. So, I put off eating, which makes me more hungry (and more grumpy) until Bryson saves the day. :)
  3. I feel nauseous all day. In the morning, if I eat right away...I am running to the bathroom right away. If I eat too much, I have to lay down so I don't throw up. If I am too hungry, I throw up. This nausea...I did not expect to come back. It is NOT appreciated. :)

BUT the third trimester is 100% better than the first trimester for these reasons (which makes EVERYTHING sooooo worth it):

  1. I feel baby girl kicking me ALL day. When I lay down I can literally feel with my hand her tiny little FOOT pushing up against my belly. So cute to think that the little foot is attached to a little leg...and I just picture her chubby baby leg kicking the air once she is born. :)
  2. People can clearly SEE that I am pregnant and sometimes a little extra VIP treatment is nice. Men open doors for me, people offer to help me carry my groceries and people are just very courteous overall.
  3. I can start getting things READY. :) Shopping, organizing, decorating, cleaning, washing, folding, sorting, sewing, crafting...all the teeny, tiny baby things make my heart go pitter pat. I will just walk into the nursery and look at all the little clothes and cute baby things. I love it. I am in LOVE with Etsy and shopping for hair bows and ruffles and lace. I have made a list of all the things I want to make with my new sewing machine and I will start them this week. 
  4. My countdowns for when vistiors are coming is getting shorter and shorter. 42 days until Kaitlyn comes. 70 days until baby arrives (IF she is born on her due date haha). 88 days until my dad comes. 

Overall, I LOVE this pregnancy thing. I honestly think I could be pregnant all the time and be perfectly happy! :) BUT...then again, I'll take the baby instead. :)
With love,


1 comment:

Adri and Russ Lee said...

So true about the 3rd trimester. I don't know what symptoms I'm going to have as the weeks go by, but I think that even when I feel sick or tired or have sore muscles, it's so worth it when I feel her kicking. PLUS I am not so nervous about losing the baby at any moment, and that peace of mind is worth enduring any sickness.

I also know what you mean about wanting to put the little clothes on her. I can't wait to move into our new apartment and hang up all the clothes I got from my baby shower. It's probably the very first thing I'll do when we unpack. :)

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