Friday, July 15

31 weeks

Sometimes I forget how big I have become. I very rarely, if ever, forget that I am pregnant (because it is constantly on my mind), but I do forget the massive belly I have acquired over these last 8 months. I forget until I walk past a window or a mirror and BAM, I remember again. I think that pregnancy looks different on everyone else, meaning I think all pregnant women are "soooo cute" but when I look at myself I just laugh and say, "Is this really MY body?"  It's weird because I can still wear all my old pants, unbuttoned of course. I think it's because I am carrying high, so I haven't gained any weight in my legs or hips - just belly. I don't know.  I can't believe I still have 9 weeks of growing - and these are the months that baby packs on those pounds, which means I probably will too. Oh dear. :)

So, here is a video (sans makeup or anything else that would make me look presentable haha) of me at 31 weeks. It looks like I have a pillow stuffed under my shirt haha.

Tonight marked another "pregnancy milestone" for me. For the first time, a girl taking our order at a restaurant (a stranger haha) just touched my belly and started rubbing it while asking "How pregnant are you?" haha. Hilarious. :)
With love,



Adri and Russ Lee said...

wow! You are carrying your baby high. That makes you look a lot smaller, probably.

Maddy said...

you look nothing but cute and amazing!!! seriously, you look so small for 31 weeks. you're adorable and i can't wait to see baby girl.

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